I'm gonna be honest, few bubble teams have acted like they wanna be in, us included. I'd almost say put in MTSU, La Salle, La Tech etc. and say F the high majors.
one's a more recognizable basketball name?
After this, could it possibly go to Miami if they win the ACC tournament?
if that happens, you might as well do away with conferences. seriously.
if you win the league (by two games as well) and you win the league tournament, how does another team in your league get seeded higher than you.
just can't happen
Which scenario would you rather have happen? TN squeaks into the tourney and gets knocked out 1st round or TN goes to the NIT and wins it all.
Curious to hear what you guys think.
I think I would pick the NIT route only because it would give them some valuable win or go home experience for next year.