Does the left really hate peace?

Do progressives hate World Peace?

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  • No

  • Only when they want their way

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I see that pretty girl swag.
Dec 2, 2017
I'm often struck be the lefts verbal gymnastics when it comes to discussing peace.

In one vein, they talk in ideological terms like fairness, equality, peace.

On the other side they support violent protests, property damage and theft in the streets of America.

Their policies helped sow discourse and chaos that have ripped apart countries like Eygpt and Libya into unstable nations.

They like invading and taking up resident in foreign countries.

They stop with deals that don't include their favorites like Palestine and Iran.

They laugh and cringe at the peace deals in the middle east that are unconventional and hope they don't work.

They want to defund the police.

The nuclear family is optional not vital.

They have not given the POTUS any credit for keeping America out of a war during his first term. You would think this would be quite an accomplishment in todays times. Are they made he has done that or are they really war and power mongers?

I ask again do they really want peace or does chaos help them with power as they play both sides.
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Peace implies and requires stability.

Leftist political ideology is built around a generally foundationless push for undefined 'progress' and change for change's sake, running directly counter to stability and, by extension, peace.

There's no question that the left hates peace.

It’s crazy to me the left still clings to 100 dumbasses protesting in Charlottesville. 1 deranged kid killed a lady with his car after the rally was declared unlawlful. Yet, we have had dozens of people killed during Antifa, BLM riots plus Millions of dollars in Property damage. How is Charlottesville the lefts pearl clutching moment when leftists have wreaked havoc in cities for half the year? It’s mind blowing how dense they are.
So glad to hear that constant bloodshed between Israel and Sudan has come to an end. The hundreds of thousands killed yearly was just too much.

This is basically a nothing burger that netanyahu is offering up to assist his fellow strongman stay in power.

Yep, peace is a nothingburger.
So glad to hear that constant bloodshed between Israel and Sudan has come to an end. The hundreds of thousands killed yearly was just too much.

This is basically a nothing burger that netanyahu is offering up to assist his fellow strongman stay in power.
They are recognizing Israel as a nation, but you knew that dincha?
So glad to hear that constant bloodshed between Israel and Sudan has come to an end. The hundreds of thousands killed yearly was just too much.

This is basically a nothing burger that netanyahu is offering up to assist his fellow strongman stay in power.
Are you really this thick-headed?

After Israel has peace deals with 90% of the countries in the Middle East, what do you think is more likely to happen with the remaining 10%?
Remind me again, which political party was George W. Bush a member of? You know, the U.S. President who attacked a sovereign nation in 2003, under the guise of disarming them of weapons of mass destruction, which they didn't actually have?
Remind me again, which political party was George W. Bush a member of? You know, the U.S. President who attacked a sovereign nation in 2003, under the guise of disarming them of weapons of mass destruction, which they didn't actually have?

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And my point should be evident. The OP said that Democrats "like invading and taking up residence in foreign countries", but it was a Republican Party Presidential administration who was responsible for that (twice - in both Iraq and Afghanistan) in the last 20 years of U.S. foreign policy.
And my point should be evident. The OP said that Democrats "like invading and taking up residence in foreign countries", but it was a Republican Party Presidential administration who was responsible for that (twice - in both Iraq and Afghanistan) in the last 20 years of U.S. foreign policy.


WWI Woodrow Wilson - Democrat
WWII FDR - Democrat
Korea Truman - Democrat
Vietnam JFK & Johnson - Democrats

Republicans have a ways to go to catch up.
Remind me again, which political party was George W. Bush a member of? You know, the U.S. President who attacked a sovereign nation in 2003, under the guise of disarming them of weapons of mass destruction, which they didn't actually have?

And yet you believe the intel agencies when it came to Trump.
I'm often struck be the lefts verbal gymnastics when it comes to discussing peace.

In one vein, they talk in ideological terms like fairness, equality, peace.

On the other side they support violent protests, property damage and theft in the streets of America.

Their policies helped sow discourse and chaos that have ripped apart countries like Eygpt and Libya into unstable nations.

They like invading and taking up resident in foreign countries.

They stop with deals that don't include their favorites like Palestine and Iran.

They laugh and cringe at the peace deals in the middle east that are unconventional and hope they don't work.

They want to defund the police.

The nuclear family is optional not vital.

They have not given the POTUS any credit for keeping America out of a war during his first term. You would think this would be quite an accomplishment in todays times. Are they made he has done that or are they really war and power mongers?

I ask again do they really want peace or does chaos help them with power as they play both sides.
As a liberal minded person myself, this is about as far from accurate as possible. The things that are accurate have no bearing on peace. What does an unmarried couple raising a child have to do with peace?
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