I went back and looked at the opening post, and unfortunately, I have to agree, those are fake. As someone else pointed out, Ticketmaster is one word, not two separate words, and it isn't Tickets Master. I would be calling the credit card company and put a big whoa on that purchase. A bigger concern to me would be that whoever that is, now has your credit card information. Check the credit card statement, yesterday, to see if there are any unauthorized purchases.
As another post said, when you look at you email inbox, hover the pointer over the address of the sender. If it is the real address of a legitimate sender, it will most likely have there name in the email address. If it's some crazy address, immediately send it to the spam file. Don't ever open an email from an unknown sender, they can put a bug in your computer to prowl through your computer and get all your sensitive information. Be very, very cautious with your email.