Clearly, any hint in your record that you might negotiate with Obama and the Dems is a death warrant in the GOP.
Don't fret your silly little self about a few GOPers voted out, worry about a ton of delusional democrats who will be swept out of office come November.
I would love to see one of you so-called liberal progressives even make a feeble attempt to try to explain the wisdom of piling up a national debt that will too large to ever be paid.
The repuplicans have caught on to the mood of the people while the democrats keep telling us how we ought to feel, the dimwitocrats are going to feel like they have hit a brick wall when the vote tallies start coming in.
Your braying of "racism" is no different than the wacky right wingers' chant of "communism, socialism!"
I beg to differ!
If you don't think Barry is a communist/socislist what do you think he is, a fascist/muslim??
Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. - John F. Kennedy
There is quite a bit of evidence to support claims that Obama is a communist, the claim that the tea party is racist is totally unfounded.
Most if not all Tea Party rallies have black people present and many have black speakers!
A black guy leading a rally in Georgia;
A black lady in Chicago;
Black man in nevada;
Black lady preparing to listen to Sarah Palin speak in Nevada;
Black man speaking in St Louis;
Black lady speaking at Tea Party rally in Albany, NY.;
Another black guy at Tea Party protest;
Bob Parks is a popular speaker at Tea Party rallies;
There are plenty more pictures to rebut the ludicrous KPM (knee pad media) claims of racism.