No, no, not at all. There are many instances where "the left" in the media have twisted facts to suit an agenda. I daresay I've agreed with the GOP faithful on a number of those, right here in this very forum.
But when Obama got elected there was an explosion of amateur "journalists," really just blogs, that were and remain dedicated to unseating the man. In their haste to do so, they have cut way too many corners, in some cases simply made things up, and otherwise repeatedly simply printed their own take and their own agenda as though it were fact.
Not surprisingly, the ones that have done this most viciously, and who have persevered, are the ones who feel their need to express outrage that Obama is president more so than do others.
To a largedgree, I think what we are seeing right now in the grand scheme of media coverage, and which is identified by conservatives as a left leaning bias, is the natural tendency of the media as an institution to balance out the shrill, irrational voices on the far right that put these messages out there, painting an unfair portrait of the Obama presidency, and self-justified with the mantra of "we simply must stop him!"
When something like Solyndra happens-- which can be squarely linked to campaign contributors getting tax breaks and loans -- it just gets overwhelmed by the constant noise from the extreme, that just never seems to take a moment to shut up and breathe.