The Impeachment Thread

Of course the voters choose. I'm still not convinced he was lawfully elected. If he was, it's even more shameful.
A better candidate is not the answer.
The repubs had 16 better candidates in the primaries and are now refusing to put up a better candidate.
The dems had a better candidate in 2016 and every dem that is currently running is a better candidate.
The problem is with the willingness to knowingly elect the worst candidate.
Trump is a once in 300 year anomaly. He should never (and will never) be accepted as a legitimate president by the majority of the American people.
The problem was and is with the people who legitimize, or even worse, support him.

You’re not being “open minded”.
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Democrats falling right into the trap.

Who are the dumbasses who think somebody should be indicted but not convicted? And 51 percent want indictment and conviction concurrently? I’m convinced about 98.5774% of our damn country has no freaking idea how our laws work.
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Who are the dumbasses who think somebody should be indicted but not convicted? And 51 percent want indictment and conviction concurrently? I’m convinced about 98.5774% of our damn country has no freaking idea how our laws work.

They randomly sampled 1000+ people proportional to state voters, but sample was 48/40/12 (D/R/I), which ridiculously oversampled Dems and under sampled Indies.
Who are the dumbasses who think somebody should be indicted but not convicted? And 51 percent want indictment and conviction concurrently? I’m convinced about 98.5774% of our damn country has no freaking idea how our laws work.
Going down in history as one of the presidents to be impeached is embarrassing. It’s it’s own punishment.
Luther, you already know how I feel about Hillary. She wasn't a better candidate. The same devotion you claim people give to Trump, Dems give to Hillary. And it's puzzling. The woman is corrupt. She's had her hand in scandal after scandal, but she's obviously Teflon because everyone refuses to hold her accountable. Not sure how you can prop her up while dissing Trump.

And like it or not, Trump won the election. That is a fact. You don't have to like it, but it doesn't change the fact he is currently the legitimate President, and will be until he leaves office, whether forcibly or through election. I don't like him, I don't like most Presidents, but anyone screaming about his legitimacy is a moron. An election is an election. At some point you need to get over it.

You may be of the opinion he was the worst candidate, but enough people in enough places felt differently. That's how our system works. It's not about one side deciding they don't like the outcome and fighting and screaming over it for four years. And while I think Trump continually embarrasses our country, I feel the House Dems are doing the exact same thing with their screeching. Our entire government is currently an embarrassment. I'd like to think some day you'll see that, but I highly doubt it.
I am fully aware of what is embarrassing our country, so you can rest easy on that point.

You think Trump is horrible and an embarrassment but not that much worse than other presidents and not deserving of removal from office.

I think Trump is horrendously despicable and far worse than past presidents and deserving of removal from office by any legal means available.

We're actually not that far apart, I'm just much more insightful. I'd like to think some day you'll see that, but I highly doubt it.
I am fully aware of what is embarrassing our country, so you can rest easy on that point.

You think Trump is horrible and an embarrassment but not that much worse than other presidents and not deserving of removal from office.

I think Trump is horrendously despicable and far worse than past presidents and deserving of removal from office by any legal means available.

We're actually not that far apart, I'm just much more insightful. I'd like to think some day you'll see that, but I highly doubt it.

You’re not “insightful” just closed minded.
Yet another academic who says they don’t need to vote to have subpoena power.

Unless they have the power to arrest, they don’t have subpoena power. They don’t have the power to hold anyone in contempt and they don’t have the power to do jack crap except withhold funds. Congress has abdicated almost all of their power to the executive branch so they can run for reelection on the basis of “not my fault”.
Unless they have the power to arrest, they don’t have subpoena power. They don’t have the power to hold anyone in contempt and they don’t have the power to do jack crap except withhold funds. Congress has abdicated almost all of their power to the executive branch so they can run for reelection on the basis of “not my fault”.
Aren’t you the one who kept saying we had a system of checks and balances that would keep Trump in line?
It's amazing how scared Republicans are of a few grammatically incorrect words posted on Twitter by a raving loon.

Cc: poonification thread.

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