Dont stand too long bill

There are countless reasons to berate this, but you would think given the tight labor market, this is something employers can decipher for themselves.
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Oh look….it would expand government and pays out lawyers. Shocking.

Summary of Legislation A10697
Enacts the "standing is tiring (sit) act"; requires employers to provide suitable seats to all employees where the nature of such employees' work reasonably permits seated work; prohibits employers from artificially designing a work space to require standing; requires the department of labor to determine whether the nature of work reasonably permits seated work; creates a private right of action for employees whose employer does not provide seats.
I recall when I was thirteen, me and a couple of other boys about the same age working one summer loading/unloading 100lb bags of fertilizer. An old black man named Charlie Jones got on to us: "You boys love your asses too much" because every time things slowed down, we tended to sit and that kind of ended our sitting down behavior.

Miss that old man. Great stories from and about him.
Oh look….it would expand government and pays out lawyers. Shocking.

Summary of Legislation A10697
Enacts the "standing is tiring (sit) act"; requires employers to provide suitable seats to all employees where the nature of such employees' work reasonably permits seated work; prohibits employers from artificially designing a work space to require standing; requires the department of labor to determine whether the nature of work reasonably permits seated work; creates a private right of action for employees whose employer does not provide seats.
So now the government is going to tell us when we can sit down.
Oh look….it would expand government and pays out lawyers. Shocking.

Summary of Legislation A10697
Enacts the "standing is tiring (sit) act"; requires employers to provide suitable seats to all employees where the nature of such employees' work reasonably permits seated work; prohibits employers from artificially designing a work space to require standing; requires the department of labor to determine whether the nature of work reasonably permits seated work; creates a private right of action for employees whose employer does not provide seats.
the sponsor of the bill was a nurse - how is a nurse supposed to do the job sitting down? Rascal scooter?
Nurses want to sit and chart, but they also need to round, pass meds, check on patients 😂 it may be an issue of not having enough places to sit? But if you have too may chairs then everyone sits and socializes all shift and night shift keeps their patients awake being too loud.. I’ve worked places where we would take a chair or two away per night shift because it was so bad.. and patients had less complaints 😆 This is more an issue for one to take up with their individual employer and/or nursing admin (like me lol) not a sweeping law or regulation (we already have too much of that already)..Rant over. Lol.. oh, yeah, we also tried placing chairs far away from each other in the unit, and they always migrate 😂 lots if flirtation and scandals lol
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