Dontavis Sapp has newfound confidence under Butch Jones and his staff

Proud of Sapp for hanging in there and working hard all these years. It's about to pay off big. Kids a good ballplayer. Once again, proud of #41
I like to see all our players succeed, but I like stories like these more and always root for them a little harder.

In an instant gratification world, the perseverance to sit in a minor role for three years, just to have the opportunity speaks to this guys character.
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Maggitt is the player missing last year, even thought he was in the game he was playing injured all year. Maggitt is a beast at the line of will see a much improve defense because him, brewer and Brian Randolph is on the field.. they fill holes.
Maggitt is the player missing last year, even thought he was in the game he was playing injured all year. Maggitt is a beast at the line of will see a much improve defense because him, brewer and Brian Randolph is on the field.. they fill holes.

And to think we almost lost this guy. Players like him are the backbone of the team. He goes out and busts his tail for TN every day. He is a true VFL and hope to see him get a little more playing time this season.

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