Donte' Stallworth To Tryout For the Redskins

Pretty sure his license is already suspended for life. You get a DUI manslaughter charge and your driving privileges had better be suspended for life - AT MINIMUM.

i understand. I was saying really to the fact that he even brought that up in this thread
Let's hash this out, 120 years later. Again. For the 1st time. Peat and Repeat. All over again. Yeah.

Good luck Dante!
Bet you never done anything wrong in your lifetime have you? Hate a-holes like you that thrive on other people's mistakes. . Get a life..

Dude, are you thriving on this guy's mistakes because he thrives on other's mistakes?
man I am on volnation almost every day and this is first I have heard about this. I know Leonard Little had a vehicular manslaughter charge years ago and Dwayne Goodrich did also . sorry to hear about Stallworth having that happen. He IS one of my top 5 favorite wr ever at UT. And I have never done anything close or similar but people make mistakes . yea they should know how to get a ride home instead of driving when they have been drinking . one shot of the hard stuff makes you fell better after two or three or more you need a cab. But guys wish him the best and hope he can make it back in the nfl. There is nothing that we can say that would make him fill any will be with him forever. he will have nightmares.
man I am on volnation almost every day and this is first I have heard about this. I know Leonard Little had a vehicular manslaughter charge years ago and Dwayne Goodrich did also . sorry to hear about Stallworth having that happen. He IS one of my top 5 favorite wr ever at UT. And I have never done anything close or similar but people make mistakes . yea they should know how to get a ride home instead of driving when they have been drinking . one shot of the hard stuff makes you fell better after two or three or more you need a cab. But guys wish him the best and hope he can make it back in the nfl. There is nothing that we can say that would make him fill any will be with him forever. he will have nightmares.

It happened years ago and he seems to be one of the few that actually felt truly sorry for his actions and has actually cleaned up his life considerably.

We all do dumb things, there's just no need to stoop to the level of the comment that started all of this.

A guy ran in front of Donte's car & got killed. He was trying to catch a bus on the other side of the street It was caught on street camera. If Donte was sober or not that guy would have been ran into. Anybody driving a car in that same situation would have the same results.
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This will be Stallworth's second go-round with the Skins, I believe. We could sure use him! :)

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