Drum Corps



Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2017
Does anybody else like Drum Corps here?

I figured maybe I would post about it, thinking maybe some people could at least appreciate it since most of us probably enjoy listening to our own band...'Pride of the Southland'.

Does anybody watch Drum Corps International at all or have? If so, what are some of your favorite shows that have happened? I don't know if they still do it, but it used to be something that was sometimes featured on ESPN when they did their form of a championship. I still watch, though nowadays it's mostly all on youtube anyway.

I thought about a performance earlier that really inspired me back in 2002, when this was performed, musically. Was in the band myself at the time. And I never knew what it looked like on another level, until my director showed us this performance. It's the Cavaliers performance 'Frameworks' from 2002 at the championship. One of the most highly scored and appreciated performances in DCI history, I'd say.

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Are you talking about the thing the have in Indianapolis every year around July or August? My oldest son is has went up there the last 2 year as a spectator. He has shown me some videos of the performances. It is impressive
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Are you talking about the thing the have in Indianapolis every year around July or August? My oldest son is has went up there the last 2 year as a spectator. He has shown me some videos of the performances. It is impressive

Yep, that's the one. I've been really wanting to go to one myself. That's the one to go to if you can, because all the corps will be playing at their highest level. Some people in the audience really get into it. haha There is a lot of history in these corps, it's interesting. I even like seeing the solo events. For instance, they have a snare competition where the corps best compete against each other on their own original works.

There are different tiers of drum corps as well. DCI - Drum Corps International features the most storied/historic and high caliber corps. There are others below that or even some of these corps have sister corps where younger people train until they eventually join the main group.
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This is one of the snare competitions. This kid is from the Blue Devils, he's one of my favorites but I think he's moved on by now. I think he won a couple years in a row.

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I'm not really a band person, don't know much about any of it but i enjoy good drumlines or drum cadences or whatever. This is a band in Birmingham at Oak Mountain High School, i love this performance they do pretty much every game i think.

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I'm not really a band person, don't know much about any of it but i enjoy good drumlines or drum cadences or whatever. This is a band in Birmingham at Oak Mountain High School, i love this performance they do pretty much every game i think.

Yeah, I liked that. I think it's fair to say most bands have things they do like this. Often it is centered around the drums. My school also did something similar when I was there. I went to Anderson County HS myself. Played the trumpet, though I wish I had went with my gut and chosen drums initially. But when I started we already owned a trumpet, so eh. It was still a lot of fun to do. The competitions we'd play at were the best. I really enjoyed performing and music is still a big part of my life. Part of my job really.
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I love Drum Corps.....The DCI national competition is incredible...
Love the precision marching and the power produced by the horn lines....it can literally take your breath away....of course the drum lines are in a league that can't be matched.
These young folks are very dedicated...months of practice to achieve the championship level....
Discipline exhibited will serve them well in life...
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I love Drum Corps.....The DCI national competition is incredible...
Love the precision marching and the power produced by the horn lines....it can literally take your breath away....of course the drum lines are in a league that can't be matched.
These young folks are very dedicated...months of practice to achieve the championship level....
Discipline exhibited will serve them well in life...

Yeah, I don't think some people who are on the outside knows what it takes to perform at this kind of level. It's hard to even get into one of these corps really. I just love that after all the energy they exert, they still sound like a mighty orchestra. Trying to learn a whole show like this with so many moving parts is such a long process. I've been through it myself before. I was going to try out for the Cavaliers back in those years, I got some things in the mail from them. I was good, but I wasn't quite on their level. These people are super dedicated to what they're doing.

Shows like the one I posted, set the blueprint for future success at the time. The musical ideas and the visual design of it set a new bar and elevated everybody's game.

Another good one. Phantom Regiment's - Spartacus from 2008: Sometimes just like watching the field level judge try to dodge all the moving patterns without being ran over by someone. haha
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I’ve spent several years in drum line and did a couple of years in the Music City Drum and Bugle Corp right out of high school. My favorite was indoor drum line with Music City Mystique. Real fun and got to play with the best in Nashville.
I’ve spent several years in drum line and did a couple of years in the Music City Drum and Bugle Corp right out of high school. My favorite was indoor drum line with Music City Mystique. Real fun and got to play with the best in Nashville.

At first I wanted to join one of these big corps, but then I was considering joining the Music City Corp. But I ended up not doing either. I regret that. Depending on your age, we might have been in the same corp at the same time.
I’ve spent several years in drum line and did a couple of years in the Music City Drum and Bugle Corp right out of high school. My favorite was indoor drum line with Music City Mystique. Real fun and got to play with the best in Nashville.
Mystique? I certainly remember. From indoor drumline to high school marching band members to listening to them play on plastic pickle barrels in downtown Nashville.
Yeah, I follow them. To pull out my old man card, I wanted to march when I got out of high school and would have tried out with The Bridgemen but decided to keep working at Opryland. My brother did march with Phantom and the Cadets plus a year on the Cadets staff. He's got stories. Oh, he has stories. Crazy.

I've been to three championships. 1984 in Atlanta, 1990 in Buffalo, and 1991 in Dallas. Plus quite a few at MTSU.

One damn thing for sure, while I could have marched back in my 20s there's no way I could do it today with all the choreography that is involved . Amazing.

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