Duncan Hunter letter to Eric Holder:



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
(I wish Duncan Hunter would be president now instead
of the retrograde doofus we now call el presidente!)

Congressman to Holder: I'm waiting!

U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., is wondering just
when Attorney General Eric Holder will get around to
answering his questions about the prosecution of a
U.S. Border Patrol agent for "improperly restraining
a 15-year-old drug smuggler."

At least, that's the question he asked in a new letter
today to Holder addressing the dispute over the
prosecution of Agent Jesus E. Diaz Jr. for lifting the
smuggler's arms to force him to comply with orders
when he was arrested.

"I am still awaiting your response as to why
the Justice Department would actively pursue
such a case against a U.S. Border Patrol Agent,"
Hunter wrote. "However, it was more recently
brought to my attention that the Justice
Department is now requiring Agent Diaz and
his family to pay a fine in the amount of $6,870,
due 'immediately.' "I ask that you take immediate
action to waive any fine imposed on Agent Diaz
and his family. If this is not something you are
willing to do, I hope that you will at least give
consideration to delaying payment pending the
outcome of Agent Diaz's appeal."

No one is holding their breath for an answer from the arrogant Obama's POS attorney general who has not only delayed by many months responses to congress but has outlandishly completely refused to supply many pertinent documents.

What a load of crap to the American people this administration is.



oe loves duncan hunter!

It is a crying ass shame that the American people have
stood back and let the media select the candidates
for so long.

Duncan Hunter was the best (imo the only) candidate
in the last race and he should have been elected.

I guess I wil go with Cain this time, what do you think?

I hate Holder, he is the worst.

Just as Obama has eclipsed Carter as the worst president,
Holder has now eclipsed Reno as the worst AG in
American history.

Not that there aren't a thousand other reasons, IF for
no other reason than Holder, Obama should never be
reelected or taken seriously in the political arena from
now on.


What Johnson?

Love ya J, you're the best! :hi:

Talk to Ron about that.

Here is a list of 35 (out of 39 total) congress members calling for resignation of AG Holder:
Rep. Kenny Rehberg,
Members of Congress who have previously called for Holder’s immediate resignation include:
Rep. Connie Mack,
Rep. Walter Jones,
Rep. Dan Burton,
House Transportation Committee chairman Rep. John Mica,
House Small Business Committee chairman Rep. Sam Graves and
Reps. Ted Poe,
Blake Farenthold,
Louie Gohmert,
Quico Canseco,
Rodney Alexander,
Paul Gosar,
Allen West,
Tim Huelskamp,
Mike Pompeo,
Duncan Hunter,
Devin Nunes,
Dennis Ross,
Trent Franks,
Lynn Jenkins,
Raul Labrador,
Joe Walsh,
Gus Bilirakis,
Paul Broun,
Randy Hultgren,
Stephen Fincher,
John Culberson,
Michael Grimm,
Andy Harris,
Mike Coffman,
Kenny Marchant,
Thaddeus McCotter,
Diane Black,
Bob Latta
Vicky Hartzler.

Read more:

Eric Holder | Congressmen | Resign | The Daily Caller

If your Rep is missing in action on this, you might want to call him/her. Four members are missing from this list.

What we need now are some senators to show the same sort of intestinal fortitude.

I doubt that Alexander or Corker would head the list but surely there must be one republican with the courage to stand up and be counted and get the ball rolling.

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