Yeah--I'm excited to see who ends up in school in January for exactly that reason. I don't ever remember us having this many EE's.
To answer your other question (and I am admittedly not an expert): I do not think there is a limit. There is a limit, though, to how many of their scholarships you can back-count to last year's class . . . I think . . .
we can sign 28, enroll 25 + the back=counted if we can back=count 4, then we can sign up to 32, and enroll 29......if we have 3 ineligible ones to sign and place.....
just wondering how many we can back-count
Luc is an EE so we only have to wait a few more days to see if he is a Vol also. And I think playing for Monte is going to bring him to Rocky Top!!
I believe we have 11 at present.
Tyler Bray
Channing Fugate
Matt Milton
Kenbrell Thompkins
Ted Meline
Ken Adams
JaWuan James
Jose Jose
Jacques Smith
Brandon Willis
Corey Miller
Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.
Plus MHF says a lot of our prospects are EE's. See his list in the thread below: