Easy to see what is going on...........


T Clifton

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2021
Swiss and Grand Cayman Banks are not interested in government money. They prefer laundering wealthy folks money.

Government needs Ukraine to launder their money.

That's what the Ukraine is good for.

Hunter Biden is a CEO over there.........

Putin and Xi know this.

America shuts down sourcing fossil fuels inside their own borders and approves that Russia should continue their pipeline. Nordstream 2.

America is now buying oil from Russia.

Can't make it up......
Swiss and Grand Cayman Banks are not interested in government money. They prefer laundering wealthy folks money.

Government needs Ukraine to launder their money.

That's what the Ukraine is good for.

Hunter Biden is a CEO over there.........

Putin and Xi know this.

America shuts down sourcing fossil fuels inside their own borders and approves that Russia should continue their pipeline. Nordstream 2.

America is now buying oil from Russia.

Can't make it up......

Harriss knows this. They know their buying from Russia yet they shut our production down to appease the Septics and LGs of America. They don't care if our prices go up, Biden advises we stop spending to save money, that fool is a joke. We know he's not running the country, Obama and Rice are
Ukraine is a cesspool. Human trafficking, drugs, corrupt government. But nobody wants to talk about any of those things. It’s Russia, Russia, Russia. This false flag is gonna go down in history. It’s a perfect distraction to keep everyone blinded about the great reset.
Ukraine is a cesspool. Human trafficking, drugs, corrupt government. But nobody wants to talk about any of those things. It’s Russia, Russia, Russia. This false flag is gonna go down in history. It’s a perfect distraction to keep everyone blinded about the great reset.
Great reset?
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You get your booster?
Yes. Why?

So, my good friend works in genetics. Extracting RNA from DNA turning it into mRna- and a variety of other processes.
She works for the supplier company that sales genetic material to Moderna, Pfizer, etc...

She told me exactly what the vaccines are and how they are made. It's NUTS what they are doing in Biotech these days...
She told me that with the right gene Therapy that my 2 year old daughter could live to be over 200 years old "theoretically "
Yes. Why?

So, my good friend works in genetics. Extracting RNA from DNA turning it into mRna- and a variety of other processes.
She works for the supplier company that sales genetic material to Moderna, Pfizer, etc...

She told me exactly what the vaccines are and how they are made. It's NUTS what they are doing in Biotech these days...
She told me that with the right gene Therapy that my 2 year old daughter could live to be over 200 years old "theoretically "
There is a lot to unpack here.
Yes. Why?

So, my good friend works in genetics. Extracting RNA from DNA turning it into mRna- and a variety of other processes.
She works for the supplier company that sales genetic material to Moderna, Pfizer, etc...

She told me exactly what the vaccines are and how they are made. It's NUTS what they are doing in Biotech these days...
She told me that with the right gene Therapy that my 2 year old daughter could live to be over 200 years old "theoretically "
So, immediate bias, if her company sells to vaccine manufacturers.

And, are you suggesting that mRNA vaccines are a type of gene therapy? That would be a monstrous revelation.

I won't even touch that last sentence bc it's so ridiculous.
Swiss and Grand Cayman Banks are not interested in government money. They prefer laundering wealthy folks money.

Government needs Ukraine to launder their money.

That's what the Ukraine is good for.

Hunter Biden is a CEO over there.........

Putin and Xi know this.

America shuts down sourcing fossil fuels inside their own borders and approves that Russia should continue their pipeline. Nordstream 2.

America is now buying oil from Russia.

Can't make it up......

It is easy to see, government incompetence, greed, and nepotism. It’s not just unique to our nation.
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Swiss and Grand Cayman Banks are not interested in government money. They prefer laundering wealthy folks money.

Government needs Ukraine to launder their money.

That's what the Ukraine is good for.

Hunter Biden is a CEO over there.........

Putin and Xi know this.

America shuts down sourcing fossil fuels inside their own borders and approves that Russia should continue their pipeline. Nordstream 2.

America is now buying oil from Russia.

Can't make it up......

Your entire post is ridiculous.

America didn’t shut down production. The oil companies are producing about as much as they have in the past 20 years.
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Your entire post is ridiculous.

America didn’t shut down production. The oil companies are producing about as much as they have in the past 20 years.

When Joe Biden entered office gas prices jumped up a dollar per gallon. Why? Because he and his administration are hostile to the oil industry, and with suspected pinches in the market speculators bought. Now we all pay the price for the Democrats position on oil.
Swiss and Grand Cayman Banks are not interested in government money. They prefer laundering wealthy folks money.

Government needs Ukraine to launder their money.

That's what the Ukraine is good for.

Hunter Biden is a CEO over there.........

Putin and Xi know this.

America shuts down sourcing fossil fuels inside their own borders and approves that Russia should continue their pipeline. Nordstream 2.

America is now buying oil from Russia.

Can't make it up......

$10 billion more for our politicians to wash and 10 million for the big guy

zelensky: US lawmakers pledge to release $10 billion in aid to Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky - The Economic Times
When Joe Biden entered office gas prices jumped up a dollar per gallon. Why? Because he and his administration are hostile to the oil industry, and with suspected pinches in the market speculators bought. Now we all pay the price for the Democrats position on oil.

Companies have the ability to produce more oil in America. They don't. Why?
So, you believe that some of the most profitable companies on the planet should get government subsidies?

But are they really "subsidies" or just the tax code?

Subsidies take various forms, ranging from tax breaks to regulatory advantages. The Environmental and Energy Study Institute calculated that the federal government funds $20 billion every year in fossil fuel subsidies. While most taxes are levied by Congress, the Biden Administration could take two actions through the executive branch to put further pressure on the industry:
  • Ensure oil and gas companies pay government penalties. Natural resource damages are currently tax deductible. In 2015, the DOJ entered a settlement with BP over the Deepwater Horizon Spill for $20.8 billion in damages. However, the settlement was tax-deductible, and BP was able to write off $15.3 billion of the penalty as “natural resource damages payments, restoration and reimbursement of government costs.” Under President Biden, the DOJ could eliminate this loophole and deny tax deductions for corporate actors that reimburse the federal government for certain cleanup related costs.
  • Stop maintaining shipping lanes on rivers. The federal government spends over $700 million each year constructing and maintaining shipping lanes on rivers, which are often used for the transportation of oil and gas. Under President Biden, the federal government may require companies, including heavy users such as oil and gas companies, to fund all or a portion of the construction and maintenance of these shipping lanes.
President Biden has also expressed his intent to reform oil and gas tax subsidies. In Congress, the Biden Administration could seek to reduce two tax credits:
  • An intangible drilling costs deduction which allows producers to deduct a majority of their costs from drilling new wells. The Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan panel of Congress, has estimated that eliminating this deduction could generate $13 billion over 10 years.
  • The percentage depletion tax break, which allows independent producers to recover development costs of declining oil gas and coal reserves, could also be stricken, or reduced. The Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that eliminating this tax break could generate approximately $12.9 billion in revenue over 10 years.
Your entire post is ridiculous.

America didn’t shut down production. The oil companies are producing about as much as they have in the past 20 years.
That's a very interesting response. 20 years ago we didn't have the technology to pull a lot of the US oil from the ground. The new technology has opened fields that were thought to be dry and new fields that would never have been profitable. So you're right we are probably pulling about the same amount of oil that we were 20 years ago when we were energy dependant but we're not pulling nearly as much as we (or Canada) could has the current administration not put restrictions in place. If the doors were opened, we'd currently be not only energy independent, but also an exporter.
ANd BTW, it's the American people and some of the leaser's that are being hosed, the oil companies love the fact the prices are high.
So, you believe that some of the most profitable companies on the planet should get government subsidies?

Not really, but there is more to it than that as stated in the article. Biden has been hostile to the energy industry and we are all paying the price.

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