ECU officials investigating excessive force

all of those cops need to lose their jobs ASAP. bottom line is that type of behavior on kids just trying to celebrate is 100% inexcusable. i've never seen anything more disgusting in my entire life.
ECU is putting together a special football season, don't let this smackdown overshadow this, the kids probably had it coming. ECU is the 2008 giant killer and I like it. Put the ECU head coach on the list of possible new hires at the University of Tennessee!!!!!!
That's ridiculous.

Rushing the field has proven to be hazardous to your health. There have been broken necks, people trampled and so on, any person caught rushing the field should be disciplined........That being said what these "officers" did crossed the line and it is not even close. Many of these kids were not even given the chance to resist before they were hammered on. Those "officers" caught on tape should probably lose their jobs, there is no excuse for most of what I saw.
Yea, let's beat the crap out of this kid while a hundred more run right behind us. They might as well have just walked onto the field and just start handcuffing kids.
Rushing the field has proven to be hazardous to your health. There have been broken necks, people trampled and so on, any person caught rushing the field should be disciplined........That being said what these "officers" did crossed the line and it is not even close. Many of these kids were not even given the chance to resist before they were hammered on. Those "officers" caught on tape should probably lose their jobs, there is no excuse for most of what I saw.

ECU is putting together a special football season, don't let this smackdown overshadow this, the kids probably had it coming. ECU is the 2008 giant killer and I like it. Put the ECU head coach on the list of possible new hires at the University of Tennessee!!!!!!

did you see when they were interviewing the head coach foe ECU the cop pushin and hittin the kids as they ran up... cops are shady...
did you see him push the down syndrome kid? seriously, after he pushed him he realized the kid wasn't right. bet he felt like a complete moron
They take the goal posts down for a reason. Seems silly to arrest people after they prepare to have them on the field.

Reminds me a little of the way UT students were treated after we kicked Bama's butt in 95.
There are lots of good people who are cops. However, anybody who has ever spent a night in jail will agree that a lot of cops are scumbags who just want somebody to bully. The cops caught in this video should be relieved of their duties, sued and put in jail for assault. The kids in the video would serve prison terms for doing the same thing or for fighting back against the police.

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