this left-right thing is just a way to keep us fighting...dont fall for their propaganda
Democrats Threaten Nuclear Option if Brown Wins
Brown said he would vote against obamacare, but then he said he would vote to seat the very objectional Sotpmayor to the SCOTUS.
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), who chairs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, recently stated in an interview on Bloomberg television that if Republican Scott Brown wins the Massachusetts senate seat, vacated by last summer's passing of Ted Kennedy, the Democrats will ram through the very unpopular health care bill by pushing the so-called "nuclear option button" of reconciliation. Even before Massachusetts and that race was on the radar screen, we prepared for the process of using reconciliation. said Van Hollen, who stands by his belief that Brown's Democratic challenger, Martha Coakley, will win.
Reconciliation is a process in the Senate whereby certain bills related to budgetary issues can be passed by a simple majority of only 51 Senators, allowing a bill to avoid being filibustered by the opposition. It is a process that has been seldom used since the founding of the nation some 230 years ago, because the very nature of this option is akin to "tyranny by the rule of the majority," in this case, the simple majority the Democrats would have in the senate.
The Conservative Camp ^ | Robert Ditmar
Dems Look at Bypassing Senate Health Care Vote [So This Is Their Last Resort For Obamacare?]
FoxNews ^ | January 17th 2010
January 17, 2010 Dems Look at Bypassing Senate Health Care Vote
The likeliest scenario would require persuading House Democrats to accept a bill the Senate passed last month, despite their objections to several parts.
Democrats consider backup plan for health care reform [Admit No Good Options]
CNN ^ | 01/17/10 | Dana Bash
Faced with the once-unthinkable prospect of losing the Massachusetts Senate race, Democratic officials on Capitol Hill are quietly talking about options for passing health care reform without that critical 60th Senate vote.
Democrats Backup Health Plan: Ask House to Back Senate Bill (Obama to ignore will of the people)
NY Times ^ | 1/17/2010 | DAVID M. HERSZENHORN
High noon for health care: Will pass, says McDermott
Seattle PI ^ | January 17, 2010 | Joel Connelly
Bill Kristol Says Mass. Senate Race Is Evidence of a "Popular Revolt" Against ObamaCare - Video
Freedom's Lighthouse ^ | January 16, 2010 | Michael
The New York Times ^ | January 16, 2010 | Katharine Q. Seelye
Republicans now think they can persuade some conservative and moderate Democrats in the House to vote against the final bill, which initially passed the House by just five votes.
For Obama, Health Care Is Worth A Mass.
IBD's Capital Hill ^ | 1/17/2010 | Ed Carson
Health care reform scenarios if Brown wins
American Thinker Blog: Health care reform scenarios if Brown wins ^
The panicked Democrats are thrashing about trying to come up with a way to save health care reform if Republican Scott Brown wins the special election in Massachusetts on Tuesday to fill Ted Kennedy's seat.
The first scenario involves challenging the results of the election, no matter how much Brown wins by. The Democrats have already deployed their crack team of election law lawyers who will attempt to muck up the process of counting the ballots, challenging machine counts, trying to force a recount if the result is close enough, and generally throwing a monkey wrench into the proceedings.
Briefing by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs (why unions are exempted from Cadillac tax)
White House web site ^ | January 15, 2010 | Robert Gibbs
Q. ... [W]hy is it fair for individuals who have so-called Cadillac plans that have been negotiated through collective bargaining agreements to be exempt until 2018 from the proposed excise tax, whereas those who might be in the exact same situation but are not part of labor unions -- even if they want to be and their company resisted, or many they're in right-to-work states -- why is it fair for one group to not get a tax and others to --
MR. GIBBS: I would say this. I've asked to see what numbers they can run. We're talking about an exceedingly small number of people I think that the premise of your impact would impact.
Right to Work on Glenn Beck: Obamacare's Big Labor Giveaways
Freedom @ Work ^ | January 17, 2010 | Anthony Riedel
Who will get kickback on health care bills? (video)
Fox News ^ | January 17, 2010 | Caroline Shively
Why Doctors Are Abandoning Medicare (Physicians will not be bullied into bankruptcy)
Fox News ^ | 01/17/2010 | C.L. Gray
Two weeks ago the Mayo Clinic shocked the nation when it closed the doors of one of its Arizona clinics to patients on Medicare. Just this past June President Obama himself praised Mayo as a model of medical efficiency noting that Mayo gives the highest quality care at costs well below the national norm. If Mayo feels compelled to walk away from this government-run program, others will surely follow. The nation must understand why.
Sen. Nelson's approval ratings take a hit in wake of health vote
The Hill ^ | 1-17-10 | Michael O'Brien
Sen. Ben Nelson's (D-Neb.) approval ratings have slid since voting for health reform legislation, a new poll showed Sunday.