If Hart doesn't have the stones to fire Dooley, its time to cut him loose and hire someone who does.
Dooley should have been fired weeks ago, there is no excuse for allowing this trainwreck to continue any longer.
If Hart doesn't have the stones to fire Dooley, its time to cut him loose and hire someone who does.
Dooley should have been fired weeks ago, there is no excuse for allowing this trainwreck to continue any longer.
If Hart doesn't have the stones to fire Dooley, its time to cut him loose and hire someone who does.
Dooley should have been fired weeks ago, there is no excuse for allowing this trainwreck to continue any longer.
I've been saying this for the longest. The near escape against Vandy, then the KY debacle, last year, was the sound of the Titanic hitting the Iceburg. She was taking on water and the majority of the staff left. That is when Hart should have moved decisively to move the program and fanbase to lifeboats and get off the USS Dooley.He should've been gone after last year.
And for that reason, Hart should be gone as well.