EPA finds no safe level for two toxic 'forever chemicals,' found in many U.S. water systems

Yippee! More Gubmint regulation for arbitrary limits set by our commie alphabet agency.
Hmmmm... this may be some fear porn... never heard of these concerns before now.

More than 96% of Americans have at least one PFAS in their blood, studies show. Dangers are most studied for PFOA and PFOS, which were used heavily in consumer goods before a voluntary agreement between the EPA and industry phased them out of domestic production in the 2000s. Since then, the amount of PFOA and PFOS in the blood of everyday Americans has fallen, but scientists are now concerned about a newer generation of “replacement” chemicals that some studies show are also toxic.
So apparently, the amount of these chemicals has started to fall in blood levels. Keep this in mind when you read the next quote.

Instead, PFAS work in the background, with risks building up over a lifetime of consumption. His work shows PFAS can decrease the immune response in children.
This seems to contradict each other. It accumulates over a lifetime, but we need to be concerned about affects on children. Also, they had just said earlier that levels have been falling in the blood since they were phased out in the early 2000s.... even in spite of these chemicals still being in the water system.

They may come down with more infections than they would otherwise. Vaccinations aren't as successful, an effect that may even extend to COVID-19 vaccination, a question research is now exploring.
Ahhh, there we go.
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We just need to get government provided water for everyone. Tax the people that already have clean water cause they are racist.

Good call.

It’s also important to remember that not all water identifies as water. Water, in of itself, is also a social construct that’s been used to oppress indigenous fluids. Lastly, water represents oppression. What happened to the other Oxygen Atom? Why aren’t we teaching our school children the truth about the evils of Hydrogen???
Hmmmm... this may be some fear porn... never heard of these concerns before now.

So apparently, the amount of these chemicals has started to fall in blood levels. Keep this in mind when you read the next quote.

This seems to contradict each other. It accumulates over a lifetime, but we need to be concerned about affects on children. Also, they had just said earlier that levels have been falling in the blood since they were phased out in the early 2000s.... even in spite of these chemicals still being in the water system.

Ahhh, there we go.

Laying the groundwork for monthly chip implantation….uh, I mean boosters for everyone. Gotta keep those vaccines up to date!
Laying the groundwork for monthly chip implantation….uh, I mean boosters for everyone. Gotta keep those vaccines up to date!
I was thinking they were going to float that out there as an excuse to explain why we had so many breakthrough cases...
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