Eriks Blonde Hair

Originally posted by orangetd88@Mar 11, 2005 10:35 AM
Just something else to bitch about.

Just another thread too. I thinkk this is the 2nd or 3rd have seen.
Shave it bald, spike it blue, grow a Tanneyhill Mullet. . . . I could care less as long as he throws touchdowns. I doubt any of us asked Erik for his opinion last time we got OUR hair cut.

How many more months of useless chatter must we endure? PLEASE, GOD LET SEPTEMBER COME QUICKLY!!!
If you think this is useless chatter . . . just wait until about June. Stuff like this will seem like compelling reading material. :D
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Mar 11, 2005 1:43 PM
How many more months of useless chatter must we endure?  PLEASE, GOD LET SEPTEMBER COME QUICKLY!!!

Well, we could always start another QB thread.

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