Ernie Grunfeld "endorses" Bruce Pearl



Senior Member
Mar 9, 2005
Chris Low article 3-19

Yesterday's (Friday's) News-Sentinel mentioned University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Bruce Pearl as a candidate. Today's Tennessean goes further.

Also, Mike Davis at Indiana is supposedly interested in the UT job!!
I don't get too excited about Davis from Indiana. He's at a 100% pure basketball school and only had moderate success. With all those resources (fan support, recruiting, being #1 athletic program at the school) he should be doing better.

It would be like a coach at Tennessee finishing 7-5/8-4, third/fourth place in the SECE every year. Not a sign of a real strong coach considering all our resources.
Originally posted by Vol 4 Life@Mar 19, 2005 9:40 AM
I don't get too excited about Davis from Indiana.  He's at a 100% pure basketball school and only had moderate success.  With all those resources (fan support, recruiting, being #1 athletic program at the school) he should be doing better.

It would be like a coach at Tennessee finishing 7-5/8-4, third/fourth place in the SECE every year.  Not a sign of a real strong coach considering all our resources.

I like Pearl. Ernie Grunfeld knows his stuff; going with his recommendation wouldn't be the worst advice to take.

I was surprised (!!) that Davis is interested in the job.
AJC interview with Grunfeld

SEC TOURNAMENT: Q&A / ERNIE GRUNFELD: 'Every game was huge'
Steve Wyche - Staff
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Saturday, March 12, 2005

Staff writer Steve Wyche caught up with former Tennessee star Ernie Grunfeld, whose personnel moves as president of basketball operations for the Washington Wizards have turned one of the NBA's most long-suffering franchises into a playoff contender.

Q: When you played, there was no SEC tournament. How much importance did that add to the regular season?

A: Our tournament came against the likes of Kentucky, Alabama and Vanderbilt because they had some pretty good teams back then, too. Every regular-season game was huge, especially against the top teams in the conference. We were good enough to make it to the NCAAs in '76 and '77.

Q: You and Bernard King --- "The Ernie and Bernie Show" --- formed one of the highest-scoring tandems in the nation. What made you guys so special?

A: We were sort of unique because we averaged about 25 points per game. We both came from New York and we played in the South. There have been some other combinations that have been good, but we were unique. We played a different kind of basketball.

Q: As a talent evaluator, how much do you look at the caliber of overall competition to help judge a player?

A: You have to put a whole package together. If a player is a dominant player in a major conference, that speaks well for that player. But that doesn't mean that a player that dominates in a lesser conference can't be as good at the pro level. The SEC is now, and has always been, known as an extremely competitive league that's always produced outstanding athletes and very good pros. So that's definitely one of the conferences we pay attention to.

Q: Former Georgia star Jarvis Hayes is with the Wizards and had a big rookie season. What's your take on his future?

A: Unfortunately, early on, he sprained his thumb but played through it and helped us win a lot of ballgames. Recently, he had a knee injury and will be out for a month. We really like him. He's a multi-dimensional player. He has a terrific attitude and has a bright future in the NBA.

Q: You're Tennessee's second all-time leading scorer (2,249 points), behind Allan Houston (2,801). Does that reflect how good you were or that the Vols just haven't been able to recruit anyone after you who could light it up?

A: We brought in Dale Ellis, Reggie Johnson. Bernard King was recruited after me, so come on. As far as averages go, Bernard averaged the most points per game in a season, but he left after three years. I enjoyed what I accomplished at Tennessee, but Tennessee has had a lot of outstanding players since then.

Q: Since you've been involved with running NBA franchises for so long, are you involved at all with Tennessee other than visiting to scout players?

A: I'm not involved with the program per se, but I have been down there on a few occasions. I've spoken with Buzz Peterson, their coach, on several different occasions. I'm still a big supporter of the program.

Pearls squad just beat Boston College. I'd say Grunfeld knows a good coach when he sees one. I bet Mike Scam-ilton doesn't even know who Ernie Grunfeld is. We'll see on as the orange world turns.
sarge, you are the pessimist. I don't look at the "non-involvement" of Grunfeld in the UT program a result of Mike Hamilton, that was purely Dickey.
After watching Pearls team tonight, I would'nt be disappointed if we got him. His team sure does play some hard basketball.
I don't view it that way either Volunteer. I call him Scam-ilton because his only concern is financial over victories. His action on Buzz was DIRECTLY from Haslam's desk. Scam-ilton never played on a team or coached and he is our AD? Figure that!
But I heard the Addais folks want Knight...I would rather have pearl if you ask me!!
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Mar 19, 2005 8:36 PM
I don't view it that way either Volunteer. I call him Scam-ilton because his only concern is financial over victories. His action on Buzz was DIRECTLY from Haslam's desk. Scam-ilton never played on a team or coached and he is our AD? Figure that!

I think finacial matters and victories go hand in hand. Hamilton fired Buzz because he wasn't getting it done even though Fulmer, Summit, Manning and the fans thought he should get another year. Hamilton is going to make or break himself with this hire and he knows it. He will make a good choice.
I like the way W-Mil played but I don't think we have players with that mentality. Would we be patient enough to let him get some tough-guys in here? Mind you I don't think it would take parade All-Americans to play that style and we could find them. Secondly, I don't know if he would fit well not being from the south. That didn't work out well with O'Neil.

I think he is a good coach but there are lots of factors to consider for a successful coach.
Sarge, I think you are way into conspiracy buddy.

I agree with Freak, as Athletic Director you make financial decisions, not emotional decisions. To call Mike Hamilton "Scamilton" has no validity. Really, I think the Buzz Peterson firing was really his FIRST decision as AD. Dickey was holding his hand over the past couple of years.

Over the past few years, the basketball program's downfall was a result of emotional decisions, not financial. Nobody "liked" O'Neill and he got fired, sure, he didn't have some results, but a guy like O'Neill needs to get his guys in place and he did just that, basically, paving the way for Jerry Green to have success.

I just wonder what would have happened had they given O'Neill one more year, a year in which they were stacked, went to the tournament, and were building momentum. We'll never know

Nobody "liked" Green either, he got fired after the most successful 4 years in UT history. Buzz Peterson was kept around until this year and was almost not fired because everyone "liked" him. All of these were emotional decisions and leading to poor financial decisions.

I think whatever they do now, they'll be looking at a true return on investment and I wouldn't be surprised if they lay out some expectations in the contract for performance (I don't understand why they don't do this anyway).

An AD doesn't have to play sports either, he needs to be a decision making diplomat and Hamilton has more to play with than most ADs.
Originally posted by TroyCG@Mar 19, 2005 9:14 AM
I'm still a big supporter of the program.

Yeah, right, Ern. That's why your KID plays for somebody else!! :bad:
When Doug Dickey eventually hired Buzz, he asked Ernie's opinion, and then said "who" and blew him off.

I believe Grunfeld had recommended the guy who now coaches at Villanova.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange+Mar 20, 2005 9:18 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (LadyinOrange &#064; Mar 20, 2005 9:18 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin-TroyCG@Mar 19, 2005 9:14 AM
I&#39;m still a big supporter of the program.

Yeah, right, Ern. That&#39;s why your KID plays for somebody else&#33;&#33; :bad:[/quote]
His kid is at Stanford. The decision may have had more to do with academics than basketball.
Yeah, that is probably it. His grades weren&#39;t good enough to get into Tennessee, so he had to go to Stanford. ;)
The son of Dale Ellis plays for Wake Forest. I blame Buzz and Dickey, NOT Grunfeld and other ex-basketball Vols whose kids didn&#39;t come to UT.

If Dickey hadn&#39;t hired Buzz and had taken Grunfeld&#39;s advice, we&#39;d have had a better chance of getting these my opinion.

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