ESPN and "Fulmer Rule"



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
You gotta love how ESPN calls this the "Fulmer Rule" :bad:


It's not just an ESPN thing. I've heard at least 3 different media outlets refer to the "Fulmer Rule".

I think it's actually a good idea to keep the coaches out of the law enforcement business if for no other reason than to avoid the backlash from being labelled a tattletale. All Fulmer did was report violations and somehow he is the bad guy.
I'll unconditionally go along with "ESPN Sucks". Not only do they have a history of trailer trash bashing, but they are owned by Disney, who owns ABC, who is a major supporter of that greatest evil of our time, the BCS.

I would like some clarification, however, on just what exactly Fulmer rules. I have some suggestions, but "I seriously doubt they would be consonant with RT36's intentions".


All that smartass egg-headedness aside, I didn't really think this was a UT or Fulmer-bashing article. It didn't make it clear that Fulmer's "suspicions" about Bama were due to reports from players & parents who had been recruited by the Tide, but that's not really that big a substantive deal.

In the end, it deserves to be called the Fulmer Rule because it's aimed at protecting coaches from being put in the position Fulmer found himself in over passing along 3rd party allegations. With the new system, a coach who recieves reports of violations and passes them up the line won't be liable either for lawsuits or for generally shunning as a rat.

While I had a grudge against Fulmer for actively assisting in the screwing of Majors which his clear weakness in psychological preperation has increased, I do think he's gotten unfairly screwed in the public mind over the Bama situation. After all, all he did was recieve accusations from players and parents who considered him the guy they ought to report to in the "overall chain of command", and then, since there wasn't any clear procedure, Fulmer passed the folks names and allegations up the line to the NCAA for them to investigate. You can't blame Fulmer as the source, any more than you can blame Fulmer because the NCAA's legislative and investigative branches have a phenomenal amount in common with supperating boils on the crotch of a 65 year old crack whore.

If I was Fulmer, I wouldn't want to get my name associated with a solution because I was the most famous person screwed by a procedural oversight that created the problem either. But from what I've read so far this isn't a 'encourage the weasel' rule being named for him, it's a 'protect coaches from being sued or called weasels for passing on information they get from others to be investigated by the right authorities' being named for all the crap he got thanks to the NCAA's failure to have guidlelines for this situation. And a clearly predictable, should have been planned for situation at that.

Fulmer deserves criticism for working hard to betray his head coach while Majors was seriously ill. He deserves it for refusing to admit that he ought to hire Summitt to address the serious lack of a mental-preperation component in his coaching team. Hell, he deserves it for not keeping a little-bitty wife perfectly & absolutely happy after she not only supported him through thin to thick, but concieved multiple children with him without serious skeletal damage.

But he doesn't deserve it for passing allegations up the line to the proper authorities, and I don't think that's what the "Fulmer Rule" does. In fact, I think the message is that even the NCAA, that fount of bestiality posing as jurisprudence, has recognized that Fulmer got treated unfairly.

Originally posted by MemphisVol@Jun 3, 2004 10:19 PM
Hell, he deserves it for not keeping a little-bitty wife perfectly & absolutely happy after she not only supported him through thin to thick, but concieved multiple children with him without serious skeletal damage.

Who said she WASN'T happy??

Enquiring minds wanna know.
thanks memphisvol, for enlightneing us all. i'm sure we would never have understood the fulmer rule without your help. and while i agree that majors did get screwed, i think many people have forgotten that we had several lackluster seasons under him and after fulmer took over we havn'e had a losing season since, not to mention that national championship. so yes, i do think that fulmer rules!

First, we didn't start going down under Majors (after seriouus growth) until he got sick, and then only after the war for control started.

Second, Fulmer went to Dickey just after Majors got sick and said that either he got the HC job, or he'd take one of his offers from other schools. That's according to all the people involved.

My family knows and has shared bread with the Majors, the Dickey's and a host of others in the TN athletic machine over the years. I hate how ready people are to bash Fulmer for the wrong reasons, too. But I also know that he once connived to betray his coach to advance himeself, so it's hard to get too outraged about him getting unfairly treated now.

Especially given his repeated refusals to admit there's a psychological hole in his coaching team, and to modify his thinking to account for it.

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