


Senior Member
Oct 25, 2004
Sportscenter just did a clip on Florida Spring training.....someones on the Urban Myth bandwagon.... :beer:
I think they will hit us up with a spring training preview on espn. If not something is :furious3: up
I have a really personal problem with ESPeeN and have had ever since they beat Peyton out of the Heisman. Of course they provide some awesome stuff, but I think they lose their objectivity way too much, so I guess I can't help it here on this last day of March, 2005..... :espn:
They've been pushing him since the middle of last season. The best part was the live interview on GameDay with Corso and the bunch before they played BYU I think it was? He said that he loved Utah and wasn't going to leave the program or his players at all. 2-3 weeks later... seeya.
yeah they said that turban urban would bring the "intensity" back to florida.

lol. those idiots should have plenty of intensity, i dont care if mrs. buttersworth is coaching them, big time d-1 footballers should bring intensity every second.

lol. they also said that leak was the best qb in the sec, maybe the country. :dlol:
The most disappointed fans in all of college sports at the end of the regular season will be the Gators.

Meyer ran a nicely innovative system that worked well against a poor Pittsburgh team who had no business in a BCS bowl. The Big East should be tossed, but that's another story.

Meyer's cute little option offense will be dead in the water with his hapless, underachieving, pocket passer Leak.

His defenses gave up large chunks of points to teams like Air Force and a 4/7 Colorado St.

He's never seen the kind of speed on defense that he'll encounter in the SEC, and he has a rather tough schedule.

He'll lose to us, LSU, Georgia, Florida St., and Alabama. He also could lose to the Gamecocks at their place.

I predict he'll go no better than 6/5 and could even end up at 5/6 if the Cocks get him. I don't believe for a second he'll beat us, and they catch the Tide, Gamecocks and LSU away.

The Urban Legend will soon be the Urban Myth.
Meyer ran a nicely innovative system that worked well against a poor Pittsburgh team who had no business in a BCS bowl. The Big East should be tossed, but that's another story.

That last line tells the whole story... Utah could have very well been the real deal last year, but we will never know. You have no place saying whether they were overblown or not, nor does anybody. And no, I don't care if they play Mountain West.

Meyer's cute little option offense will be dead in the water with his hapless, underachieving, pocket passer Leak.

For your information, Leak was quite a good passer this last season. He threw 60% for 3197 yards and 29 touchdowns. His interception and sack numbers would be a bit lower if not for the mediocre Florida O-line. And keep in mind, this was under a crappy coach. Meyer turned Alex Smith into a machine, and I fear what he could do with Chris Leak.

His defenses gave up large chunks of points to teams like Air Force and a 4/7 Colorado St.

Tennessee also gave up nearly 100 points to South Carolina, Kentucky and Vanderbilt. I guess our team sucked, too.

He's never seen the kind of speed on defense that he'll encounter in the SEC, and he has a rather tough schedule.

You speak as if he's naive enough to not bother studying any SEC game film. Yes, he has a tough schedule, but Florida already has pretty good existing talent and Meyer has a lot of time to prepare.

He'll lose to us, LSU, Georgia, Florida St., and Alabama. He also could lose to the Gamecocks at their place.

I don't know the outcomes of those games, and neither do you. Yes, all those teams have something to fear, but the fact is that Florida was not a bad team this last season, Zook was just a horrible coach. I mean, we, the SEC East champs, had to make a mean comeback to beat them. And they're supposed to suck? Aside from Miami, they never lost to any team by more than a TD. It's just because Zook couldn't run a clutch defense.

I predict he'll go no better than 6/5 and could even end up at 5/6 if the Cocks get him. I don't believe for a second he'll beat us, and they catch the Tide, Gamecocks and LSU away.

The Urban Legend will soon be the Urban Myth.

I believe that's just irresponsible thinking. Florida is a team with a lot of talent that just happened to have a terrible coach at the helm this last season, and they are getting a HC that may actually know what he's doing. I don't know what they do, but I, as should the rest of you, have every reason to fear what Meyer is capable of in Gainesville in 2005.
I don't care who is coaching the Gators, I always worry about that game. I think Meyer is a worthy coach and all, but he is running his mouth a little too much considering that he hasn't even coached a game in the SEC yet. It will be interesting for sure.
Its going to suck for him once he loses his first sec game, and it is in the swamp.
And no, I don't care if they play Mountain West.

I Do, very strongly.

For your information, Leak was quite a good passer this last season. He threw 60% for 3197 yards and 29 touchdowns. His interception and sack numbers would be a bit lower if not for the mediocre Florida O-line. And keep in mind, this was under a crappy coach. Meyer turned Alex Smith into a machine, and I fear what he could do with Chris Leak.

We'll just disagree on that because the style Zook ran was more fitting Leak than what Meyer ran at Utah.

I don't know the outcomes of those games, and neither do you. Yes, all those teams have something to fear, but the fact is that Florida was not a bad team this last season, Zook was just a horrible coach. I mean, we, the SEC East champs, had to make a mean comeback to beat them. And they're supposed to suck? Aside from Miami, they never lost to any team by more than a TD. It's just because Zook couldn't run a clutch defense.

It's called an opinion, I sort of thought that's the point of these boards. Silly me.

I believe that's just irresponsible thinking. Florida is a team with a lot of talent that just happened to have a terrible coach at the helm this last season, and they are getting a HC that may actually know what he's doing. I don't know what they do, but I, as should the rest of you, have every reason to fear what Meyer is capable of in Gainesville in 2005.

Again, it's how I feel.

I believe he'll be the biggest bust since Gerry DiNardo at LSU.

I have less fear of the Gators now than I did with Zook.

Perhaps I'll be wrong, but perhaps you'll be. Until the games are played I guess we'll just continue to talk about it and, obviously, disagree on this one.
Milo just brought up a point that got me to thinking

Bruce Pearl is from the Horizon Conference...........does that mean he cant coach?

think about it.
this thread has now become the "lets defend the gators thread"

that just isnt allowed here. comeon guys. say it loud and proud


much better
who cares about the gators. God knows I don't. why say there coach is good? I hope he is a bust just like ron zook.
Same here... But the fact is that Florida still has some good talent, and if their coach is even decent, they should be dangerous. They nearly beat us this last season with Ron Zook at the helm... Meyer may bust, but what are the odds he'll do worse than Zook?
Just because Zook did not do as well as Spurrier doesn't mean he's not a decent coach. He's a great recruiter. He left the cupboard fuller than when he arrived. Most who've written anything about Spurrier's exit agree that his exit was in part due to the fact that he did not have a wealth of talent returning. Zook went out and recruited some good players. It is my opinion, after watching this game for over 40 years, that Meyer's offense won't work week in and week out against the type of defenses he'll see in the SEC.

Scheming against the Mountain West is just not the same game as doing it in the SEC. I'm not being critical of the MW, it is just a fact of football life.

Just as Spurrier's schemes flopped in the next level, Mr. Meyer has just made an equally prolific jump from the MW to the SEC.

I believe he'll either have to change his offense or he'll be another 3 year and out guy at Gainesville.

His offense is certainly not the fun-n-gun.

Time will tell.

Originally posted by JSB2277@Mar 31, 2005 9:09 PM
Milo just brought up a point that got me to thinking

Bruce Pearl is from the Horizon Conference...........does that mean he cant coach?

think about it.

Originally posted by JSB2277@Mar 31, 2005 9:09 PM
Milo just brought up a point that got me to thinking

Bruce Pearl is from the Horizon Conference...........does that mean he cant coach?

think about it.

Does Georgetown and UMW have a lot in common?

Talking competitive play in basketball from small schools to large ones is not at all similar to Division I football.

The chasm betwixt the haves and the have-nots in football and basketball are not the same.

It is far more realistic to expect a lesser known school to be more competitive in basketball than it is football.

Ergo, to see Gonzaga make it to the Elite 8 is a far more realistic possibility than for a Utah to make it to the BCS. Almost every year there's a perennial have-not who breaks into the Sweet Sixteen. In 7 years of the BCS only one mid-major has done so. So what does the pathetic BCS dish up for us in that instance: Only the most miserable pairing since the BCS has been in existence. It would have been far better for Utah to have played Auburn, or a team from one of the 5 Major conferences. I don’t believe Utah would have beaten Auburn, even with the Tigers tail dragging from the royal screwing the BCS had given them. I believe, if Auburn had been equally motivated, they would have beaten VA Tech much worse and that they would have easily beaten Utah. Granted, these are all unknowns, but my opinion nonetheless.

So, back to point, the comparison with Pearl is not equivalent.
Back to the conversation of Meyer...

Who's to say he will impliment a system that is the same as the one he used at Utah?
Originally posted by milohimself@Apr 1, 2005 12:15 AM
Back to the conversation of Meyer...

Who's to say he will impliment a system that is the same as the one he used at Utah?

Have you seen the plays they've posted on one of the Gator sites?

It looks like the same to me.

Some of them sort of remind me of backyard ball.

All you guys go that way, and we'll toss the ball against the flow.

I'll try to find the link tomorrow.
I saw a few of those plays myself. I can't remember where though. When I was looking at some of them, I thought that our linebackers could have field day if they pay attention.


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