Yes, mass graves were found.
It's hard to blame almost any American for having a completely false picture of what happened during the breakup of the politically created country of Yugoslavia, after all hasn't everything you've heard or read from such sources as the NY and LA Times, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, USA Today, US State Dept, the POTUS and most any other source all said basically the same thing???
I believe a report from the Republican National Committee is about the only source refuting the propaganda that we, as American citizens were supposed to believe.
Update, now that the dust has settled:
The creation of Kosovo is the logical progression of jihad since it began in 620 AD.
Macedonia is next on the chopping block followed by parts of southern Montenegro and northern Greece.
There is nothing new in whats happening; anyone with the slightest knowledge of world history can see all of Europe and indeed western civilization is in peril.
Press Reports On False Claims Of Genocide By Serbs In Kosovo
(The New York Times fired it's top journalist in Yugoslavia who had been their main contributor for 30 years because he wouldn't report what the Times wanted to present at news of current events from the Balkans.)gs
"A United Nations court has ruled that
Serbian troops did not carry out genocide against ethnic Albanians during Slobodan Milosevic's campaign of aggression in Kosovo from 1998 to 1999... The court, which is comprised of two international judges and one Albanian, was ruling on the case of a Serb, Miroslav Vuckovic, convicted of genocide by a district court in Mitrovica". BBC Sept. 7, 2001
"Castigating the press for
'journalistic crimes' committed during its reporting on the Balkans wars of the 1990s,
retired New York Times reporter David Binder claims the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting awarded to both the Times and New York's Newsday 'should, in all fairness and honesty, be revoked.' Binder was speaking at a press conference for the release of a new book criticizing the war reporting.
Binder wrote the foreword to the book by Peter Brock, titled
'Media Cleansing: Dirty Reporting, Journalism and Tragedy in Yugoslavia.'
(The huge irony that Brock reveals so clearly is that the media co-belligerents, pushing relentlessly for more aggressive action, supposedly in the interests of stopping ethnic cleansing and killing, played into the hands of parties with a political agenda that assured and
produced far more ethnic cleansing and killing than might have taken place without their bellicosity and war propaganda service.
This important and valuable book complements perfectly the superb volumes on Yugoslavia by
Diana Johnstone (Fools Crusade) and
Michael Mandel (How America Gets Away With Murder). Johnstone provides essential history and context to the Balkan wars, analyzing the indigenous participants, their backgrounds, motivations and strategies, and the very important role played there by external interveners (the Croatian and Bosnian Muslim diaspora and PR firms, Austria, Germany, the United States, and the UN and Yugoslavia Tribunal [ICTY]).
'What we're looking at here is a series catalogued by Peter Brock of journalistic crimes,' said Binder..... During his recent appearance at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.,
Binder said it would take 'at least a decade' before historians 'clear out that wretched underbrush of lies and concoctions' from 'despicable' politicians 'like Richard Holbrooke,' an international negotiator during the administration of former President Bill Clinton and 'certainly the journalists' criticized in Brock's book. The rise of blogs and media watchdog groups offers a 'corrective' for the public now, Binder contended."
Former NY Times Reporter: '93 Pulitzer Should Be Revoked
CNS News March 22, 2006
(Anyone notice Holbrooke is going to be placed in a very high position by the new POTUS, well I did.)gs
Some media reports have quoted a senior Belgrade official as stating that there are 198 mass graves in Kosovo. The Office on Missing Persons and Forensics (OMPF) would like to
categorically state that no evidence has been provided to OMPF regarding existence of any mass graves in Kosovo. Such unfounded statements reflect a lack of sensitivity to an issue that is extremely emotive and causes considerable anguish for all affected families.
UNMIK Disputes Belgrade Report on Mass Graves
United Nations Mission In Kosovo (UNMIK) Press Release, 23 January 2004
No Mass Graves Were Discovered In Kosovo Until 2005
The Graves Discovered Were Of Serbian Dead
Whilst Albanian Bodies Had Been Disposed Of In Serbia
Why Did NATO Take Sides In This European Civil War
When There Were Atrocities On Both Sides And No Evidence Of Genocide?
Oil and US Geopolitical Objectives in the Balkans -
"...About 3,000 people are still missing from the 1998-99 conflict. Most are ethnic Albanians but some 500 Serbs are also missing, believed to have been killed by the rebels. Two mass graves with the bodies of Serb civilians were unearthed in Kosovo earlier this month."
Serbia to return Kosovo corpses found in mass grave
Reuters, 26 May 2005
There are several more, read them all.
To finish up:
"The UN's highest court has cleared Serbia of direct responsibility for genocide during the 1990s Bosnian war. But the International Court of Justice did rule that Belgrade had violated international law by failing to prevent the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica..
BBC, Feb. 26, 2007
Now about the so-called massacre at Srebenica;
Supposedly 8,000 mujahdeen were killed there.
Where are the bodies??? They were not found.
Why that conflict at Srebenica? The Serb army advanced on Srebenica because a coalition of 'freedom fighters', ie; Muslim Jihadist from all over the world were ridding the area of Serbians, brutally slaying and mutilating Serbians who had not previously been converted by the sword to Islam.
Witnesses saw the Mujhadeen force retreat from Srebenica the night before the Serbs arrived and many of those listed as killed have voted in Bosnian elections
since then.
So the most reliable Serbian massacre of Muslims (and these were men under arms, not unarmed civilians such as the Serbian civilians slaughtered in the most brutal of manners earlier in Croatia, in Bosnia and in Kosovo which was Serbian territory,) was yet another hoax.
Finally just one more:
"America's most widely-read newspaper today revealed painful details of a seven-month probe into its star war reporter that led to his resignation for
lying to his editors. The USA Today journalist Jack Kelley, who enjoyed a stellar career in which he hopped from war zone to war zone, came under suspicion after a fellow member of staff accused him in an anonymous letter of inventing reports....
The paper said they could not have confidence in any of his work after discovering that he had tried to fool their probe into one of his stories, a 1999 front-page story on Serbian war crimes in Kosovo.
The investigators telephoned his supposed translator in Serbia as a witness to prove that he had not invented the story. But when they analysed recordings of their conversations they discovered the translator was not who she claimed. The investigation found Mr Kelley had allowed another woman to impersonate the witness and gave him two days to resign.
Karen Jurgensen, USA Today Editor, accused her former employee of engaging in an 'elaborate deception' during the investigation.... His editors caught him out by calling the impersonator back and hiring private investigators to conduct expert voice analysis of the conversation that proved she was not the original translator.
A fellow reporter, Mark Memmott, was despatched to Belgrade in a vain attempt to track down the translator. Mr Kelley was therefore unable to prove that he had seen a Yugoslav army notebook containing a direct order to 'cleanse' a village of its ethnic Albanian residents during an encounter with a human rights activist.
USA Today says star reporter deceived paper
London Times, 13 January 2004
Now another question for you, how many Serbian civilians were killed by Clinton's bombing campaign that not only violated the US Constitution but just about every international law one could imagine??