Evan Berry Getting Crunked Up (Video)



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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What's so weird about a guy jumping around pretending to "mess" up a hotel room? Haha...I agree.. weird but kinda funny. We gotta remember that they're kids. I'm sure I did stupid stuff as a kid, BUT I didn't broadcast it for the world to see.
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He's clearly a jokester ..

"messing up" the hotel room was knocking a paper off a table. I thought it was funny.
How dare him toss a pillow and a paper and act like a kid. I hardly call that messing a room up or crunk.
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Until we hear of him being arrested for smashing the TV and the rest of the room or throwing someone out a window then I guess we're okay. Looks like just monking around.
Uh...just a high school kid away from his parents. Nothing new here...
I hope he doesn't endure any drug test soon or Tennessee will make ESPN headlines not the good kind hahaha.

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