The guys who are running the bowls represent the peak of corruption in college athletics, and they are not getting replaced.
Before you go running off at the mouth about my "big government" antics or whatever it was you said, the lack of free market for ticket pricing is one of the things doing participant schools in. Virginia Tech and Stanford, for example, had a swath of overpriced tickets crammed down their throats so the OB saw a $7mil gate before a single ticket was sold to the public. Many of these seats were faced at $255 a pop... Yet you saw the number of empty seats in the stadium.
The bottom line is this: Every year, 70 AD's, mostly publicly funded, across the country get taken to the cleaner to play in bowl games and the only reason anybody can give as to why is that it's the way its only been. The programs who should be benefiting by earning a bowl bid end up operating in the red by tens of millions of dollars collectively while idiots like Junker scratch themselves $600,000 checks for putting together one game.
In the end, there is no way to hold these mother****ers accountable unless they do something illegal with the millions of dollars they're running away with at the expense of public and private institutions. You can't defend that.