This is literally what I good portion of our fanbase believes.
They would be right, partially anyway. Matta turned it in to one of his compliance officers under the guise that he signed a player involved in a secondary recruiting violation and wanted to be compliant. It was just a sore loser move that we could have blistered him for if idiot Bruce hadn't lied about it.
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Hating Matta for Bruce lying is equivalent to Bammers hating Phil for their cheating.Matta knew full well there was no consequences for him or Craft, it was just sour grapes from the tourney loss which proves that he's the crybaby bag of douche that I heard he was.Posted via VolNation Mobile
Ridiculous? How? Roped into an investigation? How?
Crafts had nothing to do with it other than having the picture. They didn't realize that it was even a violation. Daddy Craft is actually very fond of Bruce because his offer put his lightly recruited and poorly rated son on the recruiting map. No Bruce, his kid is probably at a mid major right now.
Matta, OSU, nor the Crafts could be held accountable for Bruce's bbq. Matta tried to make it an issue but ultimately Bruce was the one to make it an issue by lying about it. (and we wonder why our players make such idiotic decisions during a game.)
I have been told that Craft even called Bruce to apologize for the trouble. I wasn't told that from the horse's ass, I mean mouth, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
So Aaron Craft had nothing to do with Bruce's violation?
Yes and wow to Purdues fans. Never realized how tough that place must be for other teams to come in and win. They really get up for those games.
I was flipping back and forth between OSU/Purdue and Old Dominion n Cleveland State. Nice win for OD as well.