


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
I know everyone is pumped about Dre being on here but lets not try to over load him with Questions.Let's talk to him like any other poster and just welcome him to are wonderful Volunteer Nation.I for one want to Welcome you Mr.Mathis you will get the Joy of doing somthing that i would give anything in the world to do and that is play Tennessee Football.So lets not try to overwhelm him lets just welcome him and talk to him like you would any other!!!!!!!And as For a football number i would recommend 51 i really like that football number!!!
well said....Id suggest Al Wilsons#27....let the teeth bustin, bone jarring slobberknockin hits begin!
yeah that was very well said. i was going to say something like that when i got home today. we need to talk to him like a normal poster. i rember when me and this other poster was talking to him and we talked for about 4 hours. just dont overload him. ok.
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 25, 2005 2:55 PM
yeah that was very well said. i was going to say something like that when i got home today. we need to talk to him like a normal poster. i rember when me and this other poster was talking to him and we talked for about 4 hours. just dont overload him. ok.

heed your own advice and it'll be straight :beer:

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