So somebody goes straight to the loons, produces a "documentary" about a small element of the overall protest and you blanket all the people there as the same, pretty petty and lame if you ask me.
So somebody goes straight to the loons, produces a "documentary" about a small element of the overall protest and you blanket all the people there as the same, pretty petty and lame if you ask me.
I think its fair to say that there are idiots on both sides, something that people on this forum seem unable to comprehend.
Why debate with someone when its easier to just yell 'LIBERAL!!!' or 'RIGHT WING NUT JOB!!!'. I've even seen a post on this forum where someone said that 'liberals' dont share his values so therefore he will not even be civil towards 'them. People are different, we all have different views and opinions. The sooner this country can get past the hysterical shouting match which passes for debate, the better it will be.
I agree. Problem is, it is a basic tenet of the current conservative leadership to drown out alternative points of view and to demagogue Democrats and others left of center, using trigger words, like Marxist, Hitler, etc., to label them.
Rather than discuss issues, they use labels. Why? Because it appeals to the lowest common denominator amongst their constituency.
Yes, but to be fair I think Democrats are guilty of that as well. I live in NYC, and I always have to bite my lip when someone accuses anyone who doesnt agree with Obama as being ignorant.
No doubt about it, it happens on both sides.
But I think anyone remotely objective would have to agree that the right is far more apt to organize around simple-minded and superficial labels, as opposed to actual policy debate.
Can't blame them in the sense that its working on their base so far.
I agree. Problem is, it is a basic tenet of the current conservative leadership to drown out alternative points of view and to demagogue Democrats and others left of center, using trigger words, like Marxist, Hitler, etc., to label them.
Rather than discuss issues, they use labels. Why? Because it appeals to the lowest common denominator amongst their constituency.
That picture was taken at a liberal rally, and has become symbolic of liberal stupidity. Do a little research before spouting off.If 'Liberals' hate the US as much as people on here claim, dont you think its unlikely that the guy in the picture with a US flag in the background, a US bandanna, and a sign saying GO USA would be a 'liberal'?
No doubt about it, it happens on both sides.
But I think anyone remotely objective would have to agree that the right is far more apt to organize around simple-minded and superficial labels, as opposed to actual policy debate.
Can't blame them in the sense that its working on their base so far.
That picture was taken at a liberal rally, and has become symbolic of liberal stupidity. Do a little research before spouting off.
Now let's get down to brass tacks.
You are not a citizen of our nation. You are not even a citizen in your own nation. You are a peasant subject, bent to the wills of your Socialist government. Your opinions should be of what value to Americans?
Do a little research before spouting off.
If I didn't know you truly believed this it would be hysterical. The left is every bit as guilty in the right in this respect, the fact that you hold beliefs that fall into liberal or democrat thinking makes you blind to this fact. The fact that I am aware conservatives, (who I share a fair amount of basic ideas with) are just as guilty makes me much more objective in this instance than you are.
This is fact!
Yes, I would agree with you there.
1. Carry your ass back home. We don't need the money.I'm paying tax in your nation so I'll take an interest in your politics whether you like it or not.
British nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh the irony....
That picture was taken at a liberal rally, and has become symbolic of liberal stupidity. Do a little research before spouting off.
Now let's get down to brass tacks.
You are not a citizen of our nation. You are not even a citizen in your own nation. You are a peasant subject, bent to the wills of your Socialist government. Your opinions should be of what value to Americans?
I did not say the left does not do it as well.
I am saying that the right, particularly as organized by Beck and Limbaugh and Hannity, has really brought it to a whole new level.
Give the devil their due on it. It is definitely reeling in the more feeble minded and easily manipulated who cannot think for themselves.
The picture I posted was taken in Washington DC.Ah, you are correct. Apparently it was taken at a peace rally outside of a Boeing factory.
Along with counter demonstrators...
Get A Brain Morans - Everything Shii Knows
1. Carry your ass back home. We don't need the money.
2. An armed person is a citizen, an unarmed person is a subject.
You are indeed nothing more than a peasant.