Dude in the foreground is wearing shorts with the white and dark print on them creating the illusion of his shorts being on the other dude. Look at where the light meets the dark and follow it down to the hem of the shorts.
Going to try to explain this as best I can. These things drive me insane until I figure them out so maybe this is right. It's the best I got.
The guy has shorts on that are dark blue on the outside and white on the inside. The girl on the other side has on a dark blue skirt type thing. If you look to the left you can vaguely make this out. The white part of his shorts match up perfectly with her legs to look like they are coming out of the white part. Since she is wearing a skirt there is no evidence of what she is wearing to get in the way.
Dude in the foreground is wearing shorts with the white and dark print on them creating the illusion of his shorts being on the other dude. Look at where the light meets the dark and follow it down to the hem of the shorts.