Even rarer is the occassion when; integrity, responsibility, propreity, fidelity and honesty can be associated with the word Democrat.
Think about it:
1. Honest Algorific invented the Internet, applepie and Motherhood
2. Honest Bill C. didn't have sex with that woman, or that woman, or that woman, etc., etc., etc.
3. Honest Bill C. invented cigar and condom dispensers for the Oval Office.
4. Honest Teddy wasn't at fault in that auto accident
5. Honest Teddy created the Alcoholics Anonymus
6. Honest Bobby K. wasn't a philanderer
7. Honest JFK wasn't a philanderer
8. Honest B. Hussein Obama never knew his minister and spiritual advisor of 20 years was a Racist Bigot.
9. Honest J. Biden said FDR was president when the Stock Market Crashed in 1929
10. Honest Hilary said she dodged sniper fire in Yugoslavia
11. Honest Hilary said she was named in honor of the man that climbed Mr. Everest even though he climbed it about 5 years after she was born.
12. Honest Cynthia McKinney is not a Racist
13. Hones J. Biden was only kidding when he said B.Hussein Obama was not prepared to be Commander and Chief.
And the beat goes on, and on, and on.