Family Security Act

I don't like means testing I do like the work requirement...I would still like to see The Fair Tax get a look...rebate plus full paycheck every week with 20% sales tax
Romney, Hawley, Rubio, and Lee's Building Blocks for Family Policy | American CompassView attachment 364725
Forget a tax credit for families. Remove the incentives for divorce and single motherhood and let fathers take care of their families. If these so-called conservatives don't see that, then they are part of the problem, not the solution.
Any plan needs to discourage having more kids and promote couples staying together and work. I'm skeptical about all of them especially anything promoted by Romney.
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Any plan needs to discourage having more kids and promote couples staying together and work. I'm skeptical about all of them especially anything promoted by Romney.
That's why I was saying remove incentives to either break up a home (divorce) or single families.

If the so-called conservatives are serious, they would try to increase the incentives for having kids in a traditional family (not a same sex marriage or other non-traditional arrangement).
where is the incentive for divorce in this? I will admit I am not familiar with many of these but none say "prodivorce" to me.
Cute and warm legislation names mean nothing to me, quite the opposite really. How bout calling it the "**** America in the Ass Act". Darn I am cynical.

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