Fantasy baseball 11


wounded mullet

Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
So im going to do a VN league about a week before opening day. Traditional snake draft, no more than 12 users. I am the commissioner of the VN football league so im kinda a big deal around here... Thanks for playing...

Im thinking Yahoo or ESPN, post your preference with your interest...
I prefer ESPN just because the last yahoo baseball team I did was seriously in like middle school but I'm cool with either.....count me in
Alright, im drafting in another league right now so if we get more than 12 just to let you know that is the cutoff point, IMHO you have more than 12 it's just a mess..
Already set our league up. Date for draft is Sunday March 27th at 9:15 pm....
Two divisions of six teams, we need 4 moar.....

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