Fast and Furious, the whole bloody story.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal - Katie Pavlich - Townhall Conservative Columnists

(The whole article worth reading, I don't care what ACLG and his butt kissing pals on this board say.)

Operation Fast and Furious is the deadliest and most sinister scandal in American history. A scandal so big, it’s worse than Iran-Contra and makes Watergate look like a high school prank gone wrong.

In the early days of the Obama Administration, President Obama claimed his goal was to stop the trafficking of guns from the United States into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels. He claimed gun dealers in the United States were responsible for sending guns to Mexico. Both of his claims were lies.

Kudos to a recent ABC radio news broadcast, they quoted an AP (Arab Press aka Amalgamated (Orwelian) Propaganda) which stated the supposed fact that 70% of the guns used in crimes in Mexico had originated in the USA. (Of course as with any propaganda piece, the AP fails to mention that most of the guns recovered are known to have originated elsewhere, the Mexicans only submitted those guns that might have come from America, the real figure is less that 17% of the total.)

At any rate ABC did have the decency to note that the AP had failed to mention fast and furious (and several other similar federal operations of the like) and perhaps how many of thse weapons had come through the f&f program.

One can only sweep so much under the rug before everyone notices the rug is bulging upward.

I'm sorry, maybe you can clarify, are you claiming that the ONLY American-source guns in Mexico got there through f&f?
I'm sorry, maybe you can clarify, are you claiming that the ONLY American-source guns in Mexico got there through f&f?

No, not at all.

However we do know of at least four operations run by Holder, Napolitano and Clinton and still don't know if that was the full extent of such programs since the Obama administration has been stonewalling the congressional investigation since day one.

We also know that both Holder and Napolitano have perjured themselves before congress.

Four programs we know of.

1. Fast and Furious in Arizona.

2. A program in Texas that involved more guns than f&f and included some military hardware going to Mexico.

3. A state department approved operation in Florida that involved shipments to the notorious M-13 gangs in Honduras.

4. A program in Indiana that allowed guns into the hands of drug trafficers in Chicago and other cities.
I have no idea what connection you're making between some crappy movies and moslems.
I have no idea what connection you're making between some crappy movies and moslems.

And neither does Capt Cut-n-Paste. He just hates Mooselimbs and Obama. And, of course, himself. But he'll never figure any of that out. Bless his heart.....
I have no idea what connection you're making between some crappy movies and moslems.

I have no freaking idea what you are talking about.

Would you care to explain?

And neither does Capt Cut-n-Paste. He just hates Mooselimbs and Obama. And, of course, himself. But he'll never figure any of that out. Bless his heart.....

Bless your little pea picking heart also.

Would you care to adress the topic of this thread or just keep making cheap personal shots at me that you don't have anywhere like the ass to back up in real life other than from a keyboard?
I have no freaking idea what you are talking about.

Would you care to explain?

Probably because you're in the upwards of 200 years old. When in doubt, google. Don't you do that anyway?

Bless your little pea picking heart also.

Would you care to adress the topic of this thread or just keep making cheap personal shots at me that you don't have anywhere like the ass to back up in real life other than from a keyboard?

Are they cheap because they're easy and effective?
Would you care to adress the topic of this thread or just keep making cheap personal shots at me that you don't have anywhere like the ass to back up in real life other than from a keyboard?

The topic of this thread, just like all of your threads, is some bs that you kiked from some bs blog. It doesn't deserve any "adress"ing.

Oh, and you are definitely the one spouting crap on the net that you would never say to people's faces. I would love to see you chat up some Mooselimbs in real life. You have never done that have you? Of course not. I bet the Institution won't even let them on your ward to visit.
Gun-running has been occurring since at least 2006, when Operation Wide Receiver "sold" 450 assault rifles to suspected Mexican cartels. Fast & Furious is not qualitatively distinct from Wide Receiver; it only sent more guns (started with 650; increased to 2,000). The concept of both operations were identical.
Damn. I really thought this was gonna be a 10 minute youtube rundown of all the F&F movies so I could get caught up before "F&F In Space" comes out next Summer.
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Gun-running has been occurring since at least 2006, when Operation Wide Receiver "sold" 450 assault rifles to suspected Mexican cartels. Fast & Furious is not qualitatively distinct from Wide Receiver; it only sent more guns (started with 650; increased to 2,000). The concept of both operations were identical.

True but during the Bush administration these programs were an effective deterent against wouldbe arms smugglers, guns and ammunition were intercepted before they crossed the border and smugglers were arrested and prosecuted.

The nature of these programs changed radically the day Obama took office and the programs were used to further the supposition that America needed more stringent guns laws.

Is Fast and Furious the Next Watergate?

When suspects in a crime are interrogated, they often develop memory loss. When the crime is running guns to drug cartels on both sides of the border, the crime involves the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol officer, Brian Terry, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, Jaime Zapata, and countless Mexican citizens.

Katie Pavlich has written an extraordinary expose, "Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and its Shameless Cover-Up" (Regnery Publishing). She is a veteran agent of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) who has meticulously documented a story that should result in contempt of Congress action against Attorney General Eric Holder and possibly Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano as well.

As Pavlich details it, "Operation Fast and Furious wasn't a 'botched' program. It was a calculated and lethal decision to purposely place thousands of guns in the hands of ruthless criminals."

The operation was designed to attack the Second Amendment right of Americans to purchase and bear arms, a right considered so essential to the nation that it followed directly after the First Amendment rights of free speech, freedom of the press, the prohibition of the establishment of a nationally sanctioned religion, and the right of Americans to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

We are in the grip of an administration that would restrain and erase those rights, and which engaged in a reckless and ruthless operation to achieve that goal. It is an administration that is moving toward the confirmation of a United Nations treaty that would override and eliminate the right to own and bear arms.

"Eric Holder was sent five memos, personally addressed to him, in the summer of 2010 that detailed Operation Fast and Furious." Holder claimed he first knew about the program in February 2011.

"Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has feigned ignorance when questioned about Fast and Furious. She claims she only found out about the program after Brian Terry was murdered."

"She visited the White House with Eric Holder to visit President Obama just a day before Holder testified on Capitol Hill about Fast and Furious, leaving the reason for her visit blank."

Pavlich writes, "These are the facts: There are still 1,400 Fast and Furious guns missing and ATF agents are not actively trying to track them down. Ten thousand round of ammunition were sold to cartel-linked straw buyers under the watch of the ATF. Eight hundred of the original 2,500 weapons sold through Fast and Furious have already been linked to criminal activity."


On March 23, 2011, in a Univison interview, Obama said, "First of all, I did not authorize it" and when further pressed said, "Eric Holder did not authorize it. He's been very clear that our policy is to catch gunrunners and put them in jail." The facts strongly suggest otherwise insofar as Fast and Furious literally authorized a gunrunning program under the aegis of ATF.

As Pavlich noted, "Many people in ATF saw what was happening and tried to warn the bureau, but the new corrupt and arrogant culture of management had become too powerful and intimidating. Field agents who spoke up were punished for having an opinion and daring to voice it. Whistleblowers had their reputation, careers, and finances shattered."

This culture of corruption is endemic to the Obama administration and as more and more examples become known it has been in full panic mode to suppress the truth.
True but during the Bush administration these programs were an effective deterent against wouldbe arms smugglers, guns and ammunition were intercepted before they crossed the border and smugglers were arrested and prosecuted.

So, you view it as a scandal mainly because it was unsuccessful? That is quite ridiculous.

The nature of these programs changed radically the day Obama took office...

Negative. The quantity of weapons increased, the nature of the program and the aims of the program are nearly identical to Wide Receiver.
1. So, you view it as a scandal mainly because it was unsuccessful? That is quite ridiculous.

2. Negative. The quantity of weapons increased, the nature of the program and the aims of the program are nearly identical to Wide Receiver.

NO, absolutly not, the only thing ridiculous is your question.

Reasons this is a scandal.

A. It was an attempt to deceive congress and the American people into believing we needed more anti-gun control laws.

B. Holder and Napolitano (and perhaps others) have lied to congress about their knowledge of and authorization of these programs. Obama has lied to the people (in a public interview) about the authorization of F&F.

C. Agents have been dismissed for being honest in their testimony before congress and two agents have been killed.

D. Obama appointed officials has obstructed justice in the congressional investigation and have tried to hide the actual facts from the start.

2. Negatory rubber ducky.

The two programs were NOT nearly identical.

Under 'wide receiver' suspects were arrested and prosecuted before any harm was done.

Under 'fast and furious' arms and ammunition were knowingly allowed to cross the border, many times under the objections of field agents who were denied warrants by the DOJ.
NO, absolutly not, the only thing ridiculous is your question.

Reasons this is a scandal.

A. It was an attempt to deceive congress and the American people into believing we needed more anti-gun control laws.

B. Holder and Napolitano (and perhaps others) have lied to congress about their knowledge of and authorization of these programs. Obama has lied to the people (in a public interview) about the authorization of F&F.

C. Agents have been dismissed for being honest in their testimony before congress and two agents have been killed.

D. Obama appointed officials has obstructed justice in the congressional investigation and have tried to hide the actual facts from the start.

Did Ashcroft and Gonzales provide information to Congress on the inner workings of Wide Receiver?

2. Negatory rubber ducky.

The two programs were NOT nearly identical.

Under 'wide receiver' suspects were arrested and prosecuted before any harm was done.

Under 'fast and furious' arms and ammunition were knowingly allowed to cross the border, many times under the objections of field agents who were denied warrants by the DOJ.

If they were arrested before any harm was done, then how did over twenty assault rifles end up being recovered at violent crime scenes in Mexico?
Did Ashcroft and Gonzales provide information to Congress on the inner workings of Wide Receiver?

If they were arrested before any harm was done, then how did over twenty assault rifles end up being recovered at violent crime scenes in Mexico?

You just keep pulling crap out of your arse don't you.

Where do you come up with the claim that Ashcroft and Gonzales had anything to do with any assault rifles crossing the border, dummie underground?

That was the purpose of wide receiver, to stop illegal arms trafficing.

Not to mention that Obama, Holder and company sponsored the transfer of something like six or seven thousand such arms being sold to criminals south of the border. In some cases they misused stimulus funds to buy the arms to begin with.

Issa to Holder: You can still avoid contempt if you give up Fast and Furious documents « » Print The Daily Caller

A spokeswoman for House oversight committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa told The Daily Caller that Attorney General Eric Holder could still avoid the contempt of Congress proceedings on the horizon — if he cooperates with the congressional subpoena he's thus far failed to comply with.

"The Justice Department can still avoid contempt," Issa spokeswoman Becca Watkins told TheDC. "They need to pledge their cooperation and stop stonewalling on critical documents outlined by the committee in the draft contempt report."

Watkins said those "critical documents" include "what high ranking officials knew about Fast and Furious and when they knew it, information about informants and their roles, and how the Justice Department changed its view from denying that gunwalking occurred to acknowledging that Fast and Furious was fundamentally flawed."

Holder has outright failed to comply with the subpoena Issa served him in October 2011 on Fast and Furious. That subpoena contains 22 parts, and Holder has failed to fulfill each and every one of those categories. For 13 of the categories, Holder has provided no documents whatsoever, and for the other nine categories, Holder remains far from compliant, as TheDC documented in full late last week.

assuming he doesn't produce the documents. Issa released the lengthy contempt of Congress citation draft last week to Democrats and Republicans on his committee, and Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar is set to lead a "special order" on the House floor later this week. A special order is an official vehicle for House members to voice their concerns about Fast and Furious, the Department of Justice's stonewalling tactics and Holder's continued failure to comply with congressional subpoenas.

Currently, 127 House members think Holder should resign or be fired over Fast and Furious, have expressed “no confidence” in him via a formal House resolution, or both. Three U.S. senators, two sitting governors and presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney have joined those House members in demanding Holder’s removal from office.
You just keep pulling crap out of your arse don't you.

Where do you come up with the claim that Ashcroft and Gonzales had anything to do with any assault rifles crossing the border, dummie underground?

That was the purpose of wide receiver, to stop illegal arms trafficing.

I will just post this entire article for your edification (even though it is widely known that the Washington Post does not possess nearly the same amount of journalistic integrity as blogs like "The American Thinker" that have Ph.D.s like Kengor submit all types of very interesting articles):

Earlier ATF gun operation ‘Wide Receiver’ used same tactics as ‘Fast and Furious’

By Sari Horwitz, Published: October 6, 2011

Republican lawmakers for eight months have been leading the probe into “Fast and Furious,” the controversial ATF gun operation, and trying to determine who in President Obama’s Justice Department knew what, and when they knew it.

But it turns out there was another gun operation run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives years before, using the same tactics of allowing guns to flow illegally onto U.S. streets and into Mexico. This operation was conducted under the Bush administration’s Justice Department.

Dubbed “Operation Wide Receiver,” the case was run out of Tucson between 2006 and 2007 and involved hundreds of guns that were purchased by small-time buyers who transferred them to middle men who then passed them up the chain and into Mexico.

ATF’s new acting director, B. Todd Jones, when asked by The Washington Post, said that Operation Wide Receiver was launched out of ATF’s Phoenix division — the same field office that oversaw Fast and Furious. ATF has said that Fast and Furious was an attempt to track more than 2,000 firearms and link them to Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel.

Jones said he did not know of any other cases where ATF knowingly allowed guns “to walk,” meaning they were allowed to pass into the black market or Mexico without ATF intervention. Jones said he could not discuss either case because they are both being investigated by the Justice Inspector General.

Operation Wide Receiver came to light when Rep. Darryl Issa (R-Calif.) and Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) released new documents and e-mails this week which they said showed that although Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. told Congress in May that he had just learned about Fast and Furious, he had known for about 10 months.

That alleged discrepancy led some Republican lawmakers to accuse Holder of perjury. They have pounded on Holder over Fast and Furious, in some cases calling for his resignation.Their investigation of the program has led to the reassignment of the former ATF director and others, and the resignation of the U.S. attorney in Arizona.

But Wide Receiver, conducted in the Bush administration, has not received a lot of attention. According to Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler, some of the e-mails used in the attempt to discredit Holder were referring to the Tucson case, Wide Receiver.

More specifically, Schmaler said that when the e-mails mention “guns walking,” they are referring to the 2006-07 Tucson case, Operation Wide Receiver. Schmaler said neither of the officials knew about guns walking in the Fast and Furious case.

On Oct. 16, 2010, James Trusty, chief of the Organized Crime and Gang section, wrote to Criminal Division Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jason Weinstein:

“Looks like we’ll be able to unseal the Tucson case sooner than the Fast and Furious,” he wrote. “It’s not clear how much we’re involved in the main F and F case, but we have Tucson. . . . I’m not sure how much grief we get for ‘guns walking,’ it [sic] may be more like, ‘Finally, they’re going after people who sent guns down there.’ ”

The next day, Oct. 17, 2010, Weinstein replied:

“Do you think we should try to have Lanny [Breuer] participate in press when Fast and Furious and Laura’s Tucson case are unsealed?” he wrote. “It’s a tricky case given the number of guns that have walked but it is a significant set of prosecutions.” Breuer is the assistant attorney general for the Criminal Division.

Whether the issue was Operation Wide Receiver or Fast and Furious, Justice should have acknowledged the tactics to Congress when asked, said a spokesman for Issa. “In February, the Justice Department asserted to Congress it had no knowledge of gun walking by ATF agents,” said the spokesman, Frederick Hill.

Grassley staffers said Thursday night that it was Jason Weinstein, the Criminal Division deputy assistant attorney general, who was the lead Justice Department official who briefed the Senate Judiciary staff in February and left the impression that no gun walking had occurred.

Grassley and Issa released more documents Thursday, charging that Holder received at least five memos describing Fast and Furious, beginning in July 2010.

At a White House news conference, President Obama defended Holder and reiterated that neither he nor Holder knew that ATF was allowing illegally purchased guns to slip into Mexico.
I will just post this entire article for your edification (even though it is widely known that the Washington Post does not possess nearly the same amount of journalistic integrity as blogs like "The American Thinker" that have Ph.D.s like Kengor submit all types of very interesting articles):

I agree that Wapo aka Pravda on the Potomac has little if any journalistic integrity, imagine how their article would read if we had the same scenario and had a Republican president.

Wapo, the NY and LA Slimes have done nothing but ignore or attempt to smooth over this outrageous scandal.

You criticize the GOP for all the wrong reasons, consider this:

Sipsey Street Irregulars: TRAITORS TO THEIR OATHS. "Democrats’ Support for Holder Collapsing" but GOP leadership Gang of Three rides to Holder's rescue. So what are YOU going to do about it?

Newswmax reports that Dem support for the principal Gunwalker at DOJ is "collapsing" when maybe it is just cracking the facade a bit.

Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy of California have decided to slow Rep. Darrell Issa’s drive to hold the attorney general in contempt over the controversial Fast and Furious program, a move that could infuriate conservatives who have been calling for Holder’s resignation.

The delay could be a month or even longer, according to lawmakers and aides familiar with the issue.

Some within House GOP leadership circles would like Issa to abandon his plan for a committee and floor vote, which was sparked by a 64-page memo last week, which laid out the case for contempt.

They fear negative political fallout from citing the U.S. attorney general with contempt of Congress in an election year.

House GOP leaders are remaining mum on their plans. On Wednesday, Boehner, Cantor and McCarthy met privately — without any staff present — to discuss how to handle what many House Republicans complain is a glacially slow investigation into the scandal, according to several sources with knowledge of the meeting. . .

Republican leaders are pushing Issa to do more committee work and to build bipartisan support for the contempt resolution before they let it come to the floor for a vote.

The committee didn’t predict the situation to play out this way. Earlier this week, members of Issa’s investigatory panel were hoping to vote next week to hold the attorney general in contempt for not sending requested information to Capitol Hill.

Some point blank yes or no questions for you.

1. Has Holder and others in the administration perjured themselves before concress?

2. Is Holder guilty of contempt of congress for failure to provide the requested documents?

3. Was Obama (and his WH staff) aware of and involved in fast and furious from the beginning?
I agree that Wapo aka Pravda on the Potomac has little if any journalistic integrity, imagine how their article would read if we had the same scenario and had a Republican president.

Wapo, the NY and LA Slimes have done nothing but ignore or attempt to smooth over this outrageous scandal.

You criticize the GOP for all the wrong reasons, consider this:

I criticize the GOP for the same reasons I criticize the DNC: policy decisions.

Some point blank yes or no questions for you.

1. Has Holder and others in the administration perjured themselves before concress?

I do not know and neither do you.

2. Is Holder guilty of contempt of congress for failure to provide the requested documents?

As of this moment, he is not-guilty.

3. Was Obama (and his WH staff) aware of and involved in fast and furious from the beginning?

I do not know and neither do you.
1. I criticize the GOP for the same reasons I criticize the DNC: policy decisions.

2. I do not know and neither do you.

3. As of this moment, he is not-guilty.

4. I do not know and neither do you.

1. We agree. I criticize the lame stream press of being obviously biased in favor of the democrats.

2. Nevertheless the evidence leads us to believe he has, as well as others up to and including the Potus, (although Obama's statement wasn't made under oath.)
There is just too much positive evidence to believe otherwise.

3. As of this moment, he hasn't even been charged.

4. We do know that people in the field regularly had meetings at the White House with Obama's staff, what were they discussing, the weather?
We will surely know more when the stonewalling ends and the reauested documents are produced.
No doubt there will be redactions and missing documents ala the erased Nixon tapes, but that amounts to contempt of congress, another criminal act of which this administration is blatently guilty.
Obama memorials bury Fast and Furious law enforcement deaths - National gun rights |

While the name of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, who died in December, 2010, would not have appeared on the 2011 roll call of the fallen being honored, the name of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata, slain in Mexico with a Fast and Furious weapon, was included on the roster. The President made no acknowledgment of that, or of the untold numbers of walked guns still in the wild, allowed by the government to fall into the hands of Mexican cartel criminals who continue to endanger law enforcement and the general population on both sides of the border.

In a related development, one without ceremony, the President signed the Brian A. Terry Memorial Act into law, sidestepping the dilemma identified in this column on May 9 about whether or not he would invite Terry’s parents to the signing.

“On Tuesday, when Obama signed the bill into law, he did not hold a public signing ceremony with Terry’s family,” Matthew Boyle of The Daily Caller reports. “The announcement that Obama had signed the memorial act into law was stuffed in the middle of a White House press release packed with other announcements not relevant to Terry.”

While disappointing, it’s hardly surprising, especially considering no one in the “mainstream press” elected to deem that development newsworthy, consistent with their documented record of ignoring or misdirecting the Fast and Furious story.

Noting Terry’s mother called Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder a “coward” and a “joke,” if a reaction from the family on this latest deliberate slight is forthcoming, expect it to be candid in sentiment, that is, if the lawyer representing them in their $25 million lawsuit against the Justice Department and ATF has not advised them to avoid further public statements altogether.

I have to say I agree with Bryan Terry's mother wholeheartedly.
No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money: A Lack Of Class

While Rep. Issa may have thought "all of Washington" mourned, it is becoming apparent that Agent Terry's death at the hands of narco-terrorists was considered by the White House as an inconvenience rather than a tragedy. When it came time to sign the bill, President Obama did it privately ........

Not only was this bill a non-event for the White House but US Customs and Border Protection did not even see fit to release a statement on the naming of the Border Patrol Station after one of their own who was killed in the line of duty.

Both the actions of the White House and Customs and Border Protection are reprehensible. It smacks of the former Soviet Union where inconvenient people - like evidently the late Brian Terry is to the Obama Administration - would become non-people or invisible. The Soviets did this to the dissidents, the Jews, and anyone who deviated from the party line.

To see this same treatment accorded to the late Brian Terry and his family is beyond the pale.

It is disgusting
and classless
and contemptible.

BATF Seeks Ban on “Military” Shotguns: Over 5 Rounds

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is inviting public comments on its new rule regarding shotguns. It plans to ban them.

There will be a ban on imports. (Note: watch prices rise on those already in the USA.)

The basis of this ban will be the guns’ semi-automatic status. It the magazine has more than five rounds, the weapon will be banned.

Why? Because the BATF designates these as “military.”

Dudley Brown, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, said if the ATF succeeds with the banning of tactical shotguns it “will be the most dangerous interpretation of the 1968 Gun Control Act ever envisioned and will outlaw thousands of perfectly legitimate home defense shotguns.”


From the Greely Gazette:

Ironically, many shotguns with “military” features are currently being used in shooting competitions held by the USPSA, IDPA and IPSC. The rules could also result in obscure regulations where an individual would be unsure if he is violating them or not.

"Gun Control's" Nazi Connection

In "Gun Control": Gateway to Tyranny we present the official German text of the Nazi Weapons Law and a side-by-side translation into English. Even more deadly: a side-by-side, section-by-section comparison of the GCA ’68 with the Nazi Weapons Law. If you have this in your hands, no one can tell you that you're imagining things.

The clincher: JPFO knows who implanted into American law cancerous ideas from the Nazi Weapons Law.

The likely culprit is a former senator, now deceased. We have documentary proof -- see below -- that he had the original text of the Nazi Weapons Law in his possession 4 months before the bill that became GCA ’68 was signed into law.

This former senator was a senior member of the U.S. team that helped to prosecute Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg, Germany, in 1945-46. That is probably where he found out about the Nazi Weapons Law. He may have gotten a copy of it then, or at a later date. We cannot imagine why any U.S. lawmaker would own original texts of Nazi laws. To find out his name, read on.

With this hard evidence in your hands and in your head, you can destroy cancerous "gun control". You can challenge anyone who backs "gun control". You can show them the Nazi ideas, line by line.

The parallels between the Nazi law and GCA ’68 will leap at you from the page. For example, law abiding firearm owners in Illinois, Massachusetts and New Jersey must carry identification cards based on formats from the Nazi Weapons Law. Nazi based laws have no place in America. Thousands of Americans died or were wounded in the war to wipe out the Nazis. They did not suffer or die so that Hitler's ideas could live on in America and kill more Americans. Remember Killeen, Texas! The 23 who died in Luby's Cafeteria there died because they obeyed Nazi inspired "gun control" laws. The law forced them, unarmed, to face an armed madman.

To destroy "gun control" before more law abiding Americans are murdered by criminals or madmen helped by "gun control", you need to get hold of the evidence as presented in "Gun Control": Gateway to Tyranny. You can then challenge the media, the most aggressive backers of "gun control". Ask media personalities in your city or town why they back Nazi based laws. You can help to erase "gun control", Hitler's last legacy.
Holder’s Fast and Furious lies exposed by DOJ document leak « « Coach is RightCoach is Right

Wiretap applications obtained by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform prove Attorney General Eric Holder and Assistant AG Lanny Breuer lied to Committee members when they claimed DOJ personnel knew nothing of the tactics used by the ATF during Operation Fast And Furious.

...... six wiretap applications are now in Committee possession, all presented to the court between March and June of 2010 and all having been approved by Department of Justice officials. If fact, “each application included a memorandum from Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer to Paul M. O’Brien, Office of Enforcement Operations, authorizing the wiretap applications on behalf of the Attorney General.” “The memoranda from Breuer are marked specifically for the attention of Emory Hurley, the lead prosecutor for Operation Fast and Furious.”

..... “Throughout the course of the congressional investigation … the Department (DOJ) has consistently denied that any senior officials were provided information about the tactics used in Operation Fast and Furious. The wiretap applications obtained by the Committee show such statements made by senior Department officials regarding the wiretaps to be false and misleading.”

Obviously the DOJ had no intention of providing Congress with any of these applications or the information they contained. In fact, the applications had been sealed by the Department for some time. It is likely the Committee was leaked the applications by the same source who has provided the House with other withheld, DOJ documents.

But however he obtained them, Issa has devastating evidence proving outright perjury on the parts of Lanny Breuer and Eric Holder. The question is, as it has been for months, will the Republican leadership have the courage to use it.

Where is the contempt citation Mr. Boehner?

Use this site to contact your Congressional Representative:
So let me get this straight: far right TP types are trying to link Holder and Obama to a program where the GOP had done essentially the same thing under Bush and, to prevail on their theory, they have to prove that guns are inherently dangerous and should be better regulated?

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