Fauci Couldn’t Name Any Studies Showing Masks Work Against COVID-19: Lawyers



May God have mercy for my enemies because I won't.
Oct 24, 2010
Fauci Couldn't Name Any Studies Showing Masks Work Against COVID-19: Lawyers

Fauci, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director, was among the U.S. officials repeatedly urging people to not wear a mask early in the COVID-19 pandemic unless they were showing symptoms. Among his many public and private statements, he wrote in a Feb. 5, 2020, email that “the typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material.”
About two months later, Fauci and other top officials reversed course and issued widespread masking recommendations, regardless of symptoms.

Asked about the change while under oath on Nov. 23, Fauci couldn’t provide any studies, according to lawyers representing plaintiffs in a case against the federal government.

“He was asked what studies or study changed his mind in that interim, which is what he claimed—he claimed that it was studied. He couldn’t name any,” Jenin Younes, one of the lawyers, told The Epoch Times.
Many of us correctly surmised the CDC were giving recs based on politics and not science.

I remember when the protests were in full swing and the CDC actually supported the protesters who were not wearing masks.

Those who still trust the government should talk to native americans.
Dude is an ancient, outdated political mouthpiece. He's been wrecking lives since at least the early 90s with terrible policy. Not really an argument either.
The fact that unelected lifetime national political appointments can make policy that supersedes elected officials at the state and local level is something everyone ought to be up in arms about.
Just google “mask use against influenza.” This will get you studies done prior to Covid. The most common conclusion is that masks make no appreciable difference (unless couple with hand washing, which means hand washing is what actually makes the difference). Also, they all seem to recommend large randomized controlled trials to asses mask efficacy, but none have ever been completed. Strange. Like they don’t want to know the answer to the null hypothesis, ie masking the general population makes no difference in the spread of, or protection from, respiratory viruses.
Just google “mask use against influenza.” This will get you studies done prior to Covid. The most common conclusion is that masks make no appreciable difference (unless couple with hand washing, which means hand washing is what actually makes the difference). Also, they all seem to recommend large randomized controlled trials to asses mask efficacy, but none have ever been completed. Strange. Like they don’t want to know the answer to the null hypothesis, ie masking the general population makes no difference in the spread of, or protection from, respiratory viruses.
People used to post pictures of the boxes in which surgical masks came, and in very clear print it stated they didn’t stop influenza. And when they posted that stuff on Twitter/Facebook and mentioned that the Covid particle size was way smaller (which made it more contagious) they had their posts removed because it was “dis-info.” It’s way past time to hold the left accountable for the damage they’ve done.
Many of us correctly surmised the CDC were giving recs based on politics and not science.

I remember when the protests were in full swing and the CDC actually supported the protesters who were not wearing masks.

Those who still trust the government should talk to native americans.
Oh you mean when the CDC stepped in and tried to pick winners and losers?

I member.
Many of us correctly surmised the CDC were giving recs based on politics and not science.

I remember when the protests were in full swing and the CDC actually supported the protesters who were not wearing masks.

Those who still trust the government should talk to native americans.
But what about the teachers unions? They were only staying home for 2 years to protect the children. Do you not like children?
But what about the teachers unions? They were only staying home for 2 years to protect the children. Do you not like children?
The combination of their absence during COVID, constant demands for more $$, and their passion for teaching 7 year olds about sexually related issues, puts them on the short list for Americas greatest heroes.

So Brave!
Let's just call masks what they are, virtue signals. They don't help, but it makes some uneducated people feel better about themselves and gives them an easier way to judge people and feel superior.
We had an outbreak where I worked in March 2020.. the state told us to use N95s but that everything else was ineffective.. they have to be fitted to your face and essentially can’t breathe very well 😂 I always thought they worked mostly because you are not getting good air exchange.. and the people who most needed to wear them COPD etc would not be able to breathe very well.. at this point I agree it’s virtue signaling or you are a severe hypochondriac.. and my husband had a Covid related stroke… we are all going to get it, (Covid) no matter what we do… although a friend of mine in the ER says no Covid cases right now.. it’s all flu and the flu is pretty bad.. but they suspect it’s surface contact.. maybe droplet transmission.. I’ve been around it (husband) and washed my hands a lot and didn’t let him cough or sneeze on me and managed not to get it
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Let's just call masks what they are, virtue signals. They don't help, but it makes some uneducated people feel better about themselves and gives them an easier way to judge people and feel superior.

Interesting that you are whining about people judging people while judging people. Nice self-own. And the "uneducated people" label is the very definition of irony.
We had an outbreak where I worked in March 2020.. the state told us to use N95s but that everything else was ineffective.. they have to be fitted to your face and essentially can’t breathe very well 😂 I always thought they worked mostly because you are not getting good air exchange.. and the people who most needed to wear them COPD etc would not be able to breathe very well.. at this point I agree it’s virtue signaling or you are a severe hypochondriac.. and my husband had a Covid related stroke… we are all going to get it, (Covid) no matter what we do… although a friend of mine in the ER says no Covid cases right now.. it’s all flu and the flu is pretty bad.. but they suspect it’s surface contact.. maybe droplet transmission.. I’ve been around it (husband) and washed my hands a lot and didn’t let him cough or sneeze on me and managed not to get it

Little known fact is that N95 (or any other respiratory protection) is one time use. At $2-$6 a pop it’s not affordable for JohnQ citizen.
Little known fact is that N95 (or any other respiratory protection) is one time use. At $2-$6 a pop it’s not affordable for JohnQ citizen.
I made my Amazon dust masks from China last for 2 years and if I caught covid, I didn't know it. I'm certain they saved my life.
Little known fact is that N95 (or any other respiratory protection) is one time use. At $2-$6 a pop it’s not affordable for JohnQ citizen.
Yep, they made us reuse them at work because we couldn’t get more.. our med supplier was based out of New York and they hoarded them.. they wouldn’t even answer the phone lol it was nuts
This also shows how ridiculous some in the "private businesses can do what they want" crowd in here were being for supporting this masking and vaccine mandate nonsense.
What a business CAN do, and what people actually support are two different things.

I would support McDonalds being able to charge 50 bucks for a small fry. Doesnt mean I would pay it. I support a businesses right to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple, doesnt mean I have to shop there to show it. I supported by last firms right to push the vaccines, didnt mean I took the vaccine.

I always reference back to Futurama and Zoidberg eating the flag: Old Man Waterfall: I don't condone what Dr. Zoidberg did but I'll fight tooth and nail for his freedom to do it.

VN Store
