Big Trouble In Little China
The Kentucky Fried Movie
Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me
My Blue Heaven
The Natural
Three Days of the Condor
American Psycho
Raising Arizona
Sin City
The Man with No Name Trilogy
Leo Johnson is not a good man. That is a common saying in the house here. My wife never watched it either so I bought them all and she got me the pilot off ebay. We are about half way through season two now. This was one of the best shows ever made IMO. Season two gets more tripped out. You should dig it man. ANd yes, hold off on fire walk with me until you see the series. It is a giant spoiler otherwise.I missed the boat when the series was out. Just now finished watching Season 1 on Sunday and loved it. The first two discs of Season 2 are on their way from Netflix. Very much looking forward to watching it. FWWM is also in my queue. Will get that after I finish this series.