Favorite Norte Dame vs. Tennessee game of all time



Junior Member
Oct 26, 2004
For me, it is a tie between the 1990 game and the 1991. Tennessee would have won the 1990 if it wasn't for a last INT by Andy Kelly and I loved the 1991 game, the biggest comeback win for Tennessee.
Miracle at South Bend----------1991 is the best
I was ready to throw the tv off the boat after the first half, but loved the second half :clap:
Mine personally was the most recent nightgame in Neyland (2000, maybe?). It was absolutely electric and will likely be one of my favorite games ever. A close second was the 1991 game - it would win hands down for me were I not in attendance at the one I mentioned above. I lived in Hess Hall in 1991 and watched it in the TV room of our dorm - by the end of the game, we must have had 75-100 crazed fans crammed into a pretty small room with one TV going absolutely nuts. It was amazing.
I have to say 91. I was ready to fire Majors right then and there at halftime. Great game!!
the miracle at southbend hands down whipp'n them on thier field in front of touchdown Jesus was sweet! and you that it was nation wide coverage not just regional I mean after all it was ND
It's amazing to think about all the 1st round draft picks that played in those TN/ND games in 1990-91. ND had Ricky Waters, Jerome Bettis and Rocket Ismael and we had Charles McRae, Antone Davis, Alvin Harper and Dale Carter.
1991 by far. Bill Walsh was seriously dogging UT out all through the game. My buddy was there and everytime ND made a big play (plenty in the first half!) a crusty old ND fan sitting in front of him would turn around and say; "Well, that's your ballgame" indicating it was over. After the blocked field goal, my buddy tapped that guy on the shoulder and said (you guessed it) "Well, that's your ballgame" :D

How can you beat a game where our guy blocks a field goal with his butt?

Classic. Lou's still smarting from that one (and the last 5 or so at USC!) :pepper:
Originally posted by GAVol@Nov 1, 2004 9:31 AM
It's amazing to think about all the 1st round draft picks that played in those TN/ND games in 1990-91. ND had Ricky Waters, Jerome Bettis and Rocket Ismael and we had Charles McRae, Antone Davis, Alvin Harper and Dale Carter.

Other pros from the 1990-91 games:

Bernard Dafney
Darryl Hardy
Todd Kelly
Jeremy Lincoln
J.J. McCleskey
Chris Mims
Tom Myslinski
Carl Pickens
Chuck Smith
Dave Thomas
James Wilson
Anthony Morgan
Prediction time: who will be the Legends of the Game for the Notre Dame game? I'm going with Aaron Hayden or Jeremy Lincoln and Craig Puki.
Folks the 1991 win ranks up there with the 86 Miami Sugar Bowl win as the Greatest games of all times.
Originally posted by volball70@Nov 2, 2004 12:49 AM
Prediction time: who will be the Legends of the Game for the Notre Dame game? I'm going with Aaron Hayden or Jeremy Lincoln and Craig Puki.

He probably won't be a legend, but I'll never forget Von Reeves catching a TD pass in the 2nd half of the 1991 game and then standing in the endzone and looking down at his "watch" as if to say "It's comeback time!"
1990 and 1991 were both great games, and probably the best of the series. For me, though, both the 1999 and 2001 games were great, because I was able to attend. 1999 was great because we "Creamed the Irish", as the headline in the Tennessean stated, and 2001 was my first trip to South Bend. That was great as well, even though we didn't play very well.

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