Favorite Type of Music

Whats your favorite type of music you listen to?

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I named rock and/or punk...

Although I also listen some country, some rave music and a fair amount of rap.
I used to listen to rap.....until recently when it all suddenly became crap!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've turned more towards rock/metal, still like old rap :rocks:
I listen to all of the above. Jazz and Classical didn't make the list...so I'll throw that out there. There is some really good world music floating around also. I have a soft spot for R&B...but mostly the old good stuff..
I voted "other," because I think that, today, a lot of the music I listen to doesn't exactly fit into a neat little category. AND, I listen to a lot of different stuff. IMO, the best new stuff is coming from "lesser-knowns," not what you hear on MTV or the radio. As a musician, I really appreciate the songwriting of what some people call "Americana," "Folk," or "Alt-Country." I'm not even really sure where to place many of my favorite artists. For example, where does Coldplay fit in? Hard to call them "Rock," when that genre includes Limp Bizkit (whom I also like). Dave Matthews, John Mayer, Damien Rice, Scott Miller, Slaid Cleaves, Jack Johnson. . . .the list goes on -- we almost need a new "type" to fit this wordy, laid-back, inspiring, thought-provoking, and instrumentally-based music. The acoustic guitar is doing crazy things lately, much like the electric guitar did in the '80's and early '90's. If you haven't had the chance to get the drift yet, grab Jack Johnson's latest CD, light a campfire, and open your mind. You WILL NOT be disappointed.
Or listen to Jack Johnson with a girl. It works WONDERS.

The big thing I've been listening to lately is alternative hardcore like From Autumn To Ashes and Saosin and emo like Rites Of Spring, Fugazi and Pedro The Lion.

Also, if anybody here likes either new hardcore or more classic heavy metal like Judas Priest, check out Avenged Sevenfold's album City Of Evil. I say this as both a full-time musician and huge fan of music, it is brilliant.
Originally posted by milohimself@Aug 2, 2005 10:10 PM
Or listen to Jack Johnson with a girl. It works WONDERS.

I'll one-up that. Try playing and singing JJ for a girl. Works for me!
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Aug 2, 2005 8:16 PM
I'll one-up that.  Try playing and singing JJ for a girl.  Works for me!

Also tried and true. I do Inaudible Melodies and Banana Pancakes. Except my acoustic is broken at the moment. <_<
Originally posted by milohimself@Aug 2, 2005 8:09 PM
I named rock and/or punk...

Although I also listen some country, some rave music and a fair amount of rap.

same here milo. although i don&#39;t listen to hardly any rap. a little bit of country though. i think becks music is pretty good. i&#39;ve also been listening to the bravery lately. they&#39;re a new band that has popped up lately. anybody listen to any of these two artists?
Originally posted by milohimself@Aug 2, 2005 10:31 PM
Except my acoustic is broken at the moment. <_<

Milo, didn&#39;t anybody tell you? You&#39;re supposed to smash the electric guitar after a show. :cool:
Lotta hard rock but deff. blues and blue grass&#33;&#33; :twocents: I can&#39;t spell daiginty dintyinty dinc dinc :D
Have a taste for so many different "types"...
Anything but country and im happy. Listen to alot of rap/hip hop, Rock since about 2000 System of a Down is my band. Lots of Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine etc...

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