-Winning streak of 47 games by Oklahoma
-9 INTs thrown in one game (Florida QB John Reaves 1969)
-Most rushing attempt in a game (58 Tony Sands Kansas 1991)
-Most consecutive shutouts (15 Tennessee 1939)
via CFBHOME on X
Also, I believe back then the NC was declared before the bowl games, so losing the bowl game would've had no effect on the decision.I still can’t BELIEVE that Tennessee did not claim a National Championship in 1939!
In a 10 game regular season: They were Unbeaten; Untied; and Un-scored upon!!!!
Tennessee was the defending National Champion from 1938…
Yeah, they lost a bowl game - To USC 14-0. But, they had to travel “on train” all the way across the country. —And back then, bowl games were nothing more than a “festival”, anyway….
There will NEVER be another defense / team like THAT — EVER!!!!