TMT officials said the company does not yet have government approval to assist in the cleanup or a contract with BP to perform the work.
TMT also paid to fly in Edward Overton, a professor emeritus of environmental sciences at Louisiana State University, to get a look at the massive skimmer.
Overton blasted BP and the federal government for a lack of effort and coordination in their dual oil-spill response and made a plea to the government to allow the A Whale to join the cleanup operation.
"This concept has never been tried before," said Bob Grantham, a TMT project officer. "But we think we can do in maybe in a day and a half what these other crews have done in 66 days."
The A Whale pronounced along the lines of "A Team" because there is a "B Whale" coming is designed to work 20 to 50 miles offshore where smaller skimmers have trouble navigating.