Finally Some Football

Just read the story myself. Unfortunately, the heart-pounding and goosebumps are going to have to wait 6 more months.

The most interesting part of that article to me was the "mention" that Schaeffer got. Doesn't even sound like the author is giving him a chance. I'd like to see and hear some positives in Spring practice regarding the center position. Also, what's the latest on Britton -- has he cleaned up his act? Hope he doesn't get the freshman jitters -- nothing more disastrous in a big game than to shank a 15-yarder in the middle of a field-position battle.
Britton had some issues with alcohol last year. Hopefully it was just typical "away from home for the first time" stuff.
Originally posted by GAVol@Mar 7, 2005 10:35 AM
Britton had some issues with alcohol last year. Hopefully it was just typical "away from home for the first time" stuff.

Away from home? Arent the Colquitts from Knoxville? :blink: :blink: :blink:
Yeah they are but I would guess Britton didn't let his mommy and daddy move on campus with him to keep him under supervision.
Originally posted by GAVol@Mar 7, 2005 10:35 AM
Britton had some issues with alcohol last year.  Hopefully it was just typical "away from home for the first time" stuff.

Yeah, from West K-town, Bearden High School (the enemy).

Apparently, 2 or 3 episodes with a total of five alcohol-related charges occurred around a year ago. He plead guilty to underage consumption, got a year of probation, and the DUI charges were dropped. He says he has "turned his life around," and I hope he's serious. If so, good for him -- that's the kind of leadership and responsibility I like to see from these young guys. Everyone makes mistakes (especially around Senior year HS/Freshman year college), but not everyone comes to the realization that you can't live that way and be successful (unless you are an aspiring rock star). Glad to see that he admitted he was wrong and has supposedly "grown up."

It's from last summer, but here's a nice story:

Britton Colquitt in Farragut Press Enterprise

Now, just to stir the kettle, what do ya'll think about the slighting of Brent?
I think the omission of BS stinks. It seems like there's a group just dying for him to leave which I don't understand. Maybe the guy is happy sharing time and not really looking to go elsewhere. As far as contributing last season, the man did his share. I don't see us leaving Columbia with a W without his play. I think he can contibute even more in 2005.
Brent? Brent who? I like Shaffer personally. I think it would be way cool for him to thrive in his underdog role like TN does and come out in the spring kicking some ainge!
My opinion of the BS thing is that he either needs to get on his horse, study the film, beat the guys to practice, stay after everyone is gone, THEN he gets more than an honorable mention in the Pre Spring drill column. If he puts that effort in and he still can't make it as a qb, then he needs to realize that his talents as an athlete, his vision on the field, and his ability to make plays WILL take him to the NFL and hopefully he'll drop his ego and contribute on the field. Cedric Wilson did it, he's in the NFL and in my opinion the only reason why Ced is there is because he worked harder than anyone else to show he has what it takes.

There's my two cents......

On the Britton thing and alcohol, what college Freshman doesn't get caught with a beer or two, I know I did.
Originally posted by Volunteer@Mar 7, 2005 7:39 PM
My opinion of the BS thing is that he either needs to get on his horse, study the film, beat the guys to practice, stay after everyone is gone, THEN he gets more than an honorable mention in the Pre Spring drill column. If he puts that effort in and he still can't make it as a qb, then he needs to realize that his talents as an athlete, his vision on the field, and his ability to make plays WILL take him to the NFL and hopefully he'll drop his ego and contribute on the field. Cedric Wilson did it, he's in the NFL and in my opinion the only reason why Ced is there is because he worked harder than anyone else to show he has what it takes.

There's my two cents......

On the Britton thing and alcohol, what college Freshman doesn't get caught with a beer or two, I know I did.

I don't see that Schaeffer really got slighted. How many times do you ever see the guy that took the third most snaps last year even get mentioned in an article about next year?
The way you worded that is not really fully telling of the situation... Third most snaps is not a lot, but how many schools have had three full-flegged starters in one season?
Ummmmm....that article I think has about everything we have discussed in here or with our friends at the house....since when did it become news???? :dunno: :dunno:

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