I know they can get no value for him, but he has to go. The last 3 years they've been a 7 seed two times and missed the playoffs the other year. Seattle and Portland are both going to be battling around the 8-10 seed in the near future. The Lakers will once again be a 6-8 seed next year with Kobe. They may as well deal him now because there going to accomplish nothing in the near future anyway and West begans to strengthen even more. They have Bynum and it's time to build something around him because he's the future. Plus, Im sick and tired of Kobe's mouth. He killed a dynasty, shoots 30 times a game, and wants to be traded anyway. He's to selfish to ever be on a winning team now that he's considered the best player in the league. Before Shaq was able to keep Kobe in line, but now Kobe is destroying the franchise.