Fist-Up Defense

They had video cues on the jumbotron with Smokey holding a giant "fist up" fist. I saw a few dozen people doing it.
Not many did it. I think it might take off during a big game luke uga or usc. For the most part we were killing them so getting a stop didn't seem like much
The guy in front of me and my son asked us "why are y'all doing that?".
I was the only person I could see doing it when the video cued up. I like the idea of getting the crowd more involved. It will catch on eventually.
I did it through the 1st quarter and people just looked at me funny. The a buddy of mine said "nobody else is doing it" it was kind of a letdown imo.
I was in OO I think I saw about 6 or 7 ppl doing it. Along with myself. Maybe it will catch on. I kind of like it
First time we get a big stop versus a Florida or UGA, the crowd will get into it.

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