you already said it, but they don't need to become a cocky school....they're there.As much as I am tired of hearing about OSU, I will be rooting for OSU if Florida does go to the big one because if Florida wins, they are going to become one major cocky school, they already are enough of one, but to win both the football and basketball national championships in one year, that will get them going more!:bad:
Oh me too, in a heart beat.i agree w/ ya tidwell... i'd even root for bama over ND.. can't stand 'em. however, i hate ohio st, and I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than watch an OSU-UF championship game.
You have my deepest respect and sympathies.I get to live here in FlA. LUCKY ME.i know how some fans can be.
If florida meets Ohio State in the big one, does it make me a bad person to hope Fla wins. I am tired of hearing about Ohio State.