Florida Robinson going to NBA

Feb 18, 2013
Good. He was the player most concerning. They are guard heavy for 2017-2018.

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The Swiss family treehouse was in Florida? Does this mean the one at Disney World is authentic?
He must be smoking something because he's not even listed in the 2nd round on the mocks that I have read.
Unfortunate for us, he was really one of the best parts of the team this year. Not always consistent, but shone at several key points.
I believe that's because most thought he would return to Florida next year.

From most accounts Robinson was 50-50 on staying versus going.

I was hoping he'd come back for purely selfish reasons, but I get it. Kids can make a decent living playing overseas nowadays if the NBA doesn't work out.
Getting Egor soften the blow of losing DR. Definitely has the skill set to make a NBA roster. Hope he has success on next level.
Everything I ever heard said he was gone and there was never a doubt.

Florida basketball should be tournament bound next season without much trouble

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