football clips



Volnation's resident sunshine pumper
Jan 15, 2005
just wondering if yall wanted to watch some football clips of the past couple years. if so please reply and i will put the link on here.
make sure to watch the top 10 plays of 2003. its fun to watch.
hey vols i finally had a chance to watch all the clips...its been great...makes me want to dig out all the UT tapes I have and watch them too!
i know doesnt it. we got 222 days untill football. my best friend is moving back sown here in fl so i will be able to waste time with him.
lol seeing all this UT stuff just makes me realize how far away from home I really am. People just don't get it here.
u live up north right? thats basket ball country. they dont know how it is down south.
honey i am up in canada right now..that's apparently hockey country althought there is no season this year
i live in florida. it was pretty cold today. around 65-70 some where around thee.
Its not so bad. I might get out of school tomorrow!

But you know what does suck? After seeing all of those clips, I WANT UT FOOTBALL. We should show the clips from last years Florida game to all those HS kids who are thinking about coming here. Hearing that crowd sent chills up my spine. :bow:
yeah i know. at least send them that dvd that they made of the 2004 vols, thats always great.
Originally posted by K-town Vol Fan@Jan 23, 2005 9:45 PM
Its not so bad. I might get out of school tomorrow!

But you know what does suck? After seeing all of those clips, I WANT UT FOOTBALL. We should show the clips from last years Florida game to all those HS kids who are thinking about coming here. Hearing that crowd sent chills up my spine. :bow:

I'm out of school tomorrow..Thank GOD!!!! lol....but in Gatlinburg right now its about 9 degrees and snow on the ground its pretty dang cold down here


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