Football memories



Senior Member
Nov 24, 2003
It's getting close and I am sure like many of you, the only reason why my favorite season of the year is fall is because it means the start of football season. I would be interested to read some of your memories from past football seasons, good and bad and not just from the games but also from what makes Tennessee football special. Here are mine:

The OLD Sam and Andy's, when you had to stand in line for the steamed sandwiches...back then that was something I always looked forward to.

'98 Florida game....getting pushed on to the field after the missed field goal and digging it up. I still have an envelope of the grass as well as a UT glove.

'03 Georgia game...the fumble. I thought I was going to vomit.

Listening to ANY John Ward broadcast on the Vol Network.

91 Notre Dame game, when the screen pass went for a touchdown, I actually received a disturbing the peace ticket for yelling in my apartment.

Drinking beers with Vol Freak.......

As I think of some more, I'll post...
Dressing up the car every Thursday night to drive to work with flags, stickers, magnetic decals all over the outside (tastefully of course) and pompoms and a Smokey in the back window proclaiming my love for the Vols.

Sleepless nights before every major game.

Dressing in UT gear for casual Fridays and having my third-graders start doing it too.

Having a class party ( my treat ) after we beat Florida and Bama.

Hanging a HUGE Power T flag on the front of my house and having Vol fans drive by and honk.

Getting up at 6:00 in the morning to drive 6 hours to Knoxville for a game.

I love football season.


I can relate to the 6 hour drive to Knoxville, but it was only 5 hours or so for me and my dad (from Cincinnati). But luckily I got smart and moved here for grad school.

The tail gating is also someting I will always remember, and hope I will always continue to do.

Wearing my Tennessee sweat shirt when everyone else had their Ohio State and Michigan sweat shirts in High School.

Bragging after Cooper held up the suposidly illegal shoe after we whipped Ohio State in a bowl game.

Listening to the post game wrap-up for the first bit of the long drive home.

Going to Johnny Majors football camp one year.

No bad memories, even after the losses, except any loss to Alabama.
My first game when I was 8 - the 1980 Georgia game. Sometime in the 2nd half, Georgia had a freshman tailback named Hershel Walker that started running wild. He got loose on one particular run and my Mom who was also at her first game said "He's going to score. He's going to score" to which my Dad replied "No, we got him hemmed up." About 2 seconds later, Walker turned Bill Bates into roadkill.

It sucked at the time, but I laugh at it now. :lol:
Originally posted by GAVol@Jul 23, 2005 10:59 PM
About 2 seconds later, Walker turned Bill Bates into roadkill.

Its a good thing that Bates had a great career in the NFL because if he hadnt, he would always be remembered for that play.

Just the opposite with Bill Duff. He stopped Eddie George on that 4th down play, but I cant remember what else he did.
Originally posted by volbrian@Jul 24, 2005 12:41 AM
Its a good thing that Bates had a great career in the NFL because if he hadnt, he would always be remembered for that play.

Just imagine if you lived in Georgia live me and 25 years later still saw framed prints everywhere of Walker sticking his foot in Bill Bates' chest. :disappointed:
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 24, 2005 12:01 AM
Ha, just flash um the scoreboard GA, that otta shut those people

I know THAT'S right!

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 24, 2005 12:01 AM
Ha, just flash um the scoreboard GA, that otta shut those people

Not really. UGA came back and beat UT 16-15 in that game. Im thinking that play with Bates and Walker was the winning score.
Originally posted by volbrian@Jul 23, 2005 11:22 PM
Not really.  UGA came back and beat UT 16-15 in that game.  Im thinking that play with Bates and Walker was the winning score.

I was talking about last year...noone cares about games from the 1980s :p
Originally posted by GatorVille@Jul 24, 2005 12:24 AM
I was talking about last year...noone cares about games from the 1980s :p

Oh yeah! Thats right. I forgot that to gator fans, football wasnt invented until 1990.

My bad.
There are several scores from last year I wouldn't mind flashing around,
GVille. ;)



the first vols game i remember was the 1997 year (hey i was 6) when tennessee got steamrolled by nebraska. that was bad. i still remember that florida state national championship and goodrich's interceptions.

But the favorite memory was tennessee beating the gators in the swamp. it broke a long ugly streak down there. i got extremely excited when grossmans 2 pointer fell to the ground. i wont forget the band playing rocky top in the swamp at the end of the game. it was tennessee's first win at the swamp in 30 years.

i also remember that game should have been the second week (the result may have been different) but the 9-11 think messed that up. i was glad though, because the florida tennessee game should be late in the season. it was also the sec semifinal in a way.
Yep, I'll go to my grave wanting to PUKE!!! every time I think of the SEC championship loss to LSU.

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
*Since I was in Knoxville the night of the 2001 Florida game, I watched it on TV over near campus. After the game I had to take a few victory laps around the strip area. I have never seen such a sight in my life. People honking horns, cops on every corner, fireworks being shot of from frat houses, resteraunts open til way after they normally are...and the game was hundreds of miles away, I will never forget it. Since I was 2 years old when we beat Miami in the Sugar Bowl and don't remember it, I think that Florida game will always be my equivelant to that. We were given no chance at all, two top 5 teams and the betting line was 18 points-unbelievable.
*Seeing our guys on the stage holding up the Sears Trophy.
*Watching games all day long in my room as a young child and becoming mesmorized by the TV and College Football.
Things I love about Saturdays in the fall:
*First waking up and realizing it's game day always puts a smile on my face laying in bed.
*As I head out, putting my flag on the car.
*I always time it to where I get to the game right before the team comes out, there is something magical about being blocks away and hearing Bobby Denton's voice and the crowd and all builds to a huge crescendo when I finally get inside.
*Watching College Gameday while I'm getting dressed and shaving.
*Watching College Gamenight at midnight while I'm in bed after a long day of watching football.
*I love the clear, mild September/October weather
*I love when the leaves change colors in the fall and those cloudy, crisp afternoons.
*I love November and December when it gets cold
*I love College Football

- I was born in 1981, so I don't really remember the '85 Sugar Bowl; my parents went though, and after hearing for days about how Vinny Testaverde was going to throw for 400 yards against us, one of my parents informed the Miami fans that it is hard to complete a pass when you're on you're back; turns out he was right.

- 1989 Auburn: This game is really overlooked; I think Auburn was #2 in the country and had a great defense. They came into Neyland with the rain coming down hard, and it was still unknown as to how good we really were. The "Cobb-Webb" ran all over them, and we announced our return as a college football powerhouse

- Jumping one of the hedges onto the field after '98 FLA, and carrying a guy riding on the goalposts (who later turned out to be a fraternity brother of mine!) out of the stadium after pandemonium reigned

- Watching Shuler's screen pass to Mose Phillips leave the Gators slipping all over the soaking wet Neyland astro turf in 1992

- Going absolutely nuts when Dwayne Goodrick picked off Outzen's pass to Warrick and returning it for a TD against the Noles in the '99 Fiesta Bowl NC Game.

- Having to go outside on a brisk November day in 1991 and tell my Dad to come back inside and watch the Notre Dame game, cause the Vols were making one hell of a comeback (he had gone outside to work in frustration after our horrendous first half)

- Watching Von Reeves "Tight End Pass" trick play to Pickens for a touchdown and Dale Carter's ridicoulous kickoff return to start the second half in Spurrier's first visit to Neyland (45-3 UT)

- Taking over Vandy's stadium in '98; their team captain asked if he could go ahead and call the coin toss since they weren't really the home team; Got autographs and hung out with Peerless, Deon Grant, and Raynoch Thompson after the game

- From 1992 - 1999: Hearing all about how Georgia was so great and talented and going to beat us, and then having the Vols usually play their best game of the year and shut them dawgs up (Miss those days, except for last year)

As for the worst memories . . .

- Nearly crying as a little kid when Chuck Webb tore up his knee, against Pacific of all teams, in the second game of the 1990 season

- Watching us sit on the ball and find a way to lose every year against Alabama until 1995

- 2001 LSU SEC Championship Game--no explanation needed; I made reservations for Pasadena after Texas lost to Colorado in the Big 12 Championship game, then we turned around and got beat by Matt Mauck, the scrambling QB turned dentist

- 2002 FLA in the pouring rain; so many fumbles

- 2000 FLA: He DID NOT catch that; actually, I don't know if he did or not; but it was still a terrible way to end such a good game

- 1999 FLA: Run OUTSIDE on the toss play, Jamal, and Sanders, for God's sake, change up the snap count or block Alex Brown . . .

- Having to listen to Memphis fans since 1996
Good recollection there, GenNeyland9. That '89 Auburn game was a great one, indeed. Auburn was #4 at the time.
No prob. I'll never forget Reggie Cobb streaking down the rain-drenched sidelines to the checkerboards in that game.

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