Football Team

Originally posted by checkerboard_charly@Mar 15, 2005 9:37 AM
not simon. he hasnt been on the field enough.

my god, it wont be a clausen, geez.

parys haralson is another that should be.

I've always heard that clausen was an off-the-field leader, and that he was part of the reason for the successes of the freshman qb's last year...

Harylson might by a good guess, though, too.
Allen is a lock, after his return from NFL temptation.

With Simon back for another shot at an injury-free season, there's a lot of expectations, and he deserves a lot of respect for fighting through a couple of really trying years. Gotta figure he's at the top of the captain list.

I doubt any of the QB's would be at this point. I can't really imagine Clausen out there if he ends up third string.

I'd like to see Riggs named to the captain list -- he stepped up big at times last year, and we'll need him to really take the reigns with Cedric gone.

Parys Haralson, Mahelona, or one of the young, but fabulous receivers (Meachem?) would be great choices, as well.
If we do it like the past few years, 3 seniors and 2 juniors.


Rick Clausen
Jason Allen
Parys Haralson


Rob Smith
Cant think of another one that would be a good fit. Maybe......Aaron Sears?

But i think Cody Douglas should be a candidate as well as Geral Riggs.
Well, with this young team, I don't think you should exclude an underclassman just because of his age/experience.

Why has no one else mentioned Mahelona?
As for Simon, don't forget he led the team in tackles in 2003.
If you're set on juniors and seniors, how about Swain? Wilhoit? Gaither?
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Mar 15, 2005 11:14 AM
Well, with this young team, I don't think you should exclude an underclassman just because of his age/experience.

Why has no one else mentioned Mahelona?
As for Simon, don't forget he led the team in tackles in 2003.
If you're set on juniors and seniors, how about Swain? Wilhoit? Gaither?

Gaither is a senior......and will be a monster this fall.

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