Interesting quote from Glory Johnson:
When Johnson was asked about the coaching change, she suggested that the players—not the head coach—would be the most important factor in making the program elite again. She explained:
“For me, it’s not really [about] who’s the coach. It’s more of, who is going to respect the coach that is there, right? It doesn’t matter who the coach is, you know? People would work hard for Pat because she was Pat. When we were there, we worked hard for Holly because she was Holly. And we [were] trying to carry on Pat’s legacy. … So as much as the new coach should bring change, the players got to step up. The players got to step up and they also have to understand that even though Pat’s not there, you still have a job to do, and it’s for Pat. … players got to step up a little bit and take a little responsibility because it’s not about anybody else but Pat at that point.”
Maybe I'm reading this funny, but this is a bizarre reaction from Glory, imo.