Fort Hood Terrorist Can't Pray In Arabic

People who commit these types of crimes should have no rights. Shouldn't waste taxpayer dollars with silly trials when he's already been proven guilty. Should go before a firing squad and be shot until he stops wiggling.
People who commit these types of crimes should have no rights. Shouldn't waste taxpayer dollars with silly trials when he's already been proven guilty. Should go before a firing squad and be shot until he stops wiggling.

I could not agree more, but there are way too many bleeding heart libs.
I could not agree more, but there are way too many bleeding heart libs.
Take them out there and shot them too. I'm sick of the politically correct BS in this country, its killing it. They're part of the disease not the cure. They should line Barney frank, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi up and shot them all too. The world would be a better place without them.
Take them out there and shot them too. I'm sick of the politically correct BS in this country, its killing it. They're part of the disease not the cure. They should line Barney frank, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi up and shot them all too. The world would be a better place without them.

Political correctness is the reason this shooting went forth. Does anyone think if this guy had been a white christian and was saying those things in the name of christianity that he would have been allowed to stay in the army?
Political correctness is the reason this shooting went forth. Does anyone think if this guy had been a white christian and was saying those things in the name of christianity that he would have been allowed to stay in the army?
Nope, they've would have thrown him out. It's a screwed up society we live in.
Nope, they've would have thrown him out. It's a screwed up society we live in.

Another case in point:

In this case there should be a retrial along with an investigation of the prosecuters and they should be prosecuted for misconduct.

I would also be interested why the suspect was ordered released to begin with.
People who commit these types of crimes should have no rights. Shouldn't waste taxpayer dollars with silly trials when he's already been proven guilty. Should go before a firing squad and be shot until he stops wiggling.

He's an American citizen. The constitution guarantees him certain rights.
He's an American citizen. The constitution guarantees him certain rights.

Among those rights is the right to be swiftly executed for his crimes.

Another important consideration is that Gitmo detainees are not American citizens and are not entitled to constitutional rights nor entitled to a trial in in an American court.

This issue and several others may be why Barry's popularity has been going down at the rate of an Acapulco cliff diver.
He's an American citizen. The constitution guarantees him certain rights.

I agree with you on this. But you have to take into account that he is in the Military and subject to Military laws. He should be treated as a traitor and hanged from the neck until dead. We must not allow this to go with a slap on the wrist, which anything short of death, would be.
I agree with you on this. But you have to take into account that he is in the Military and subject to Military laws. He should be treated as a traitor and hanged from the neck until dead. We must not allow this to go with a slap on the wrist, which anything short of death, would be.

Agree, this (barring unconstitutional intervention from the powers that be) Should fall under the UCMJ and be carried out accordingly.

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