France's National Front Winning Regional Elections



God-Emperor of Politics
Jan 3, 2009
France elections: National Front leads in regional polls - BBC News

Took 1st place with 30.8% of the vote in the first round of the elections. They are expected to take 6/13 of France's regions. Sarkozy's center-right bloc is expected to finish second with the Socialists finishing third. The run off is set for December 13th.

No matter how you cut it, one way or the other, Europe is currently committing suicide. It's slow and painful to watch, and any rational, objective observer can see it.
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The U.S. is committing suicide as well. I shouldn't get too upset because in reality the plan of the liberal left is untenable and will resolve itself. The USSR collapsed and so will the Multicultural Incarnations of western nations. The reality is that our enemies will up the ante until their attacks cannot be absorbed or tolerated, and we'll have a return to tried and true thinking about how nation states are constructed and remain viable, and this Political Correctness era will be over.
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I hate to say this but death tolls are the only thing that will wake up the uninformed and robot-like stupid leftist in Europe or the USA. Every time there is a terrorist attack the nationalist get a big bump in popularity. Unfortunately I think we are still several more terrorist attacks away from a full rebuttal to the leftist desire for elimination of western civilization.

Watching Europe commit suicide is like seeing an Orwellian novel play out. Sad, heartbreaking and fascinating. They are on the verge of no return, maybe this last attack will begin the long process of turning the ship to avoid the iceberg.
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The U.S. is committing suicide as well. I shouldn't get too upset because in reality the plan of the liberal left is untenable and will resolve itself. The USSR collapsed and so will the Multicultural Incarnations of western nations. The reality is that our enemies will up the ante until their attacks cannot be absorbed or tolerated, and we'll have a return to tried and true thinking about how nation states are constructed and remain viable, and this Political Correctness era will be over.

Well stated. One thing is for sure, the future will be either as you write or western civilization will be a chapter in history books.
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The U.S. is committing suicide as well. I shouldn't get too upset because in reality the plan of the liberal left is untenable and will resolve itself. The USSR collapsed and so will the Multicultural Incarnations of western nations. The reality is that our enemies will up the ante until their attacks cannot be absorbed or tolerated, and we'll have a return to tried and true thinking about how nation states are constructed and remain viable, and this Political Correctness era will be over.

Agree. This liberal playbook is slowly bleeding America of the qualities and beliefs that made us what we were, not are, because we aren't that country anymore in any form or fashion.

With that said, I'm not sure anything will ever get better with the two party system we have. Its corrupt on both sides and rotten to the core...
If Nazism (nationalism) is the appropriate response to terrorism, how exactly do you see western culture as being different from Islamic culture, which is itself a religious nationalism?
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The U.S. is committing suicide as well. I shouldn't get too upset because in reality the plan of the liberal left is untenable and will resolve itself. The USSR collapsed and so will the Multicultural Incarnations of western nations. The reality is that our enemies will up the ante until their attacks cannot be absorbed or tolerated, and we'll have a return to tried and true thinking about how nation states are constructed and remain viable, and this Political Correctness era will be over.

That is all well and good, but if you are to succeed, than white middle-class American and European women need to start spitting out babies again in record fashion.

Otherwise, yours is just a pipe dream and nothing more.
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If Nazism (nationalism) is the appropriate response to terrorism, how exactly do you see western culture as being different from Islamic culture, which is itself a religious nationalism?

You'll have to excuse some of our board's rightists. They think subscribing to the same universalist narrative that the Far Left does will work just as long as it's Far Right. Both perspectives are of course incredibly naive.

On the one hand, Europe's population is dying. Forget about social entitlements, Europe will need to import immigrants just to keep their economies competitive. Of course, Europe's only real immigrant source today is from the Muslim South in North Africa and the Middle East, unlike ours, which is from Latin America (not that that doesn't present its own problems, but it does present far less). The primal nativist reaction to the Islamization and "browning" of Europe, while nothing unusual or exceptional, plays into the hands of the European Far Right.

And who are the "European Far Right"? Well, they're a bunch of jingoistic, naive, and enraged Putin-lovers. They're impatient men and women, who, like their Far Left counterparts, want what they want and they want it now. They are failures of the dream of the West, and, they are failures precisely because they are traitors to Western society, who lack the discipline, principles, and stoic resolve of the men of the Enlightenment. They hate NATO, and they hate the EU and the US. They believe the world is understandable simply through racial and nationalist narratives alone. If they'll get their way, they'll lead Europe right back to its pre-WWII status, go back to warring with one another once again (since peace and stability, which is the actual state of contemporary Europe, are apparently difficult to manage for weak people), commit suicide, and, when it's all said and done, and Europe is no more once and for all, they'll blame it on Muslims like any shirker of responsibility or duty will do.
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You'll have to excuse some of our board's rightists. They think subscribing to the same universalist narrative that the Far Left does will work just as long as it's Far Right. Both perspectives are of course incredibly naive.

On the one hand, Europe's population is dying. Forget about social entitlements, Europe will need to import immigrants just to keep their economies competitive. Of course, Europe's only real immigrant source today is from the Muslim South in North Africa and the Middle East, unlike ours, which is from Latin America (not that that doesn't present its own problems, but it does present far less). The primal nativist reaction to the Islamization and "browning" of Europe, while nothing unusual or exceptional, plays into the hands of the European Far Right.

And who are the "European Far Right"? Well, they're a bunch of jingoistic, naive, and enraged Putin-lovers. They're impatient men and women, who, like their Far Left counterparts, want what they want and they want it now. They are failures of the dream of the West, and, they are failures precisely because they are traitors to Western society, who lack the discipline, principles, and stoic resolve of the men of the Enlightenment. They hate NATO, and they hate the EU and the US. They believe the world is understandable simply through racial and nationalist narratives alone. If they'll get their way, they'll lead Europe right back to its pre-WWII status, go back to warring with one another once again (since peace and stability, which is the actual state of contemporary Europe, are apparently difficult to manage for weak people), commit suicide, and, when it's all said and done, and Europe is no more once and for all, they'll blame it on Muslims like any shirker of responsibility or duty will do.

Wow, how academic of you. But like most academic analysis, it is silly. While the population of WESTERN Europe is declining, importing hordes of people from incompatible cultures (many or most of whom end up on government assistance) without any skills to offer the economy (and from dangerous parts of the world to boot) is not the answer to declining populations.

Nice try, call the New York Times. They may want to put it on the front page!
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I think the natural response to one extreme is to go to the other extreme. Obama's presidency has created Trump. If Obama and the Democrats were more common sense moderates, there wouldn't be a trump leading in the polls.
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I think what we are seeing is the reality that unfettered freedom is an impossibility. Most folks can handle it and themselves, but at some point strict regulation has to be enforced for, and I hate this term, "the greater good".
Wow, how academic of you. But like most academic analysis, it is silly. While the population of WESTERN Europe is declining, importing hordes of people from incompatible cultures (many or most of whom end up on government assistance) without any skills to offer the economy (and from dangerous parts of the world to boot) is not the answer to declining populations.

Nice try, call the New York Times. They may want to put it on the front page!

You know it is possible for some people to approach things in moderation and with rational thought, right?

If you want to go whine about Muslims all day, then have at it. Don't get in the way of people trying to improve the situation though.
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If you want to go whine about Muslims all day, then have at it. Don't get in the way of people trying to improve the situation though.

If only the people "Trying to improve the situation" actually tried to improve the situation instead of worrying about being PC.
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If only the people "Trying to improve the situation" actually tried to improve the situation instead of worrying about being PC.

I do not disagree. Europe needs to approach its current immigration situation much more cautiously, there is no doubt about that.

But just like with the "PC crowd," putting your head in the sand by whining about Islam and Muslims all day, like the European Far Right does, all while deflecting your own responsibility to live up to the principles that made Western societies the best in the world, will serve no one well.
I do not disagree. Europe needs to approach its current immigration situation much more cautiously, there is no doubt about that.

But just like with the "PC crowd," putting your head in the sand by whining about Islam and Muslims all day, like the European Far Right does, all while deflecting your own responsibility to live up to the principles that made Western societies the best in the world, will serve no one well.

I get where you're going and I respect that. However, the Europeans can only do so much. They, just like us, didn't become great societies by allowing themselves to be overrun by the backwards Islamic culture. This isn't some particular small group of people we're dealing with. It's an ideology. An ideology that even goes against everything liberal. As much as they march against religion they're open arms with Islam. Yet, just keep bringing them in! Woohoo!
I get where you're going and I respect that. However, the Europeans can only do so much. They, just like us, didn't become great societies by allowing themselves to be overrun by the backwards Islamic culture. This isn't some particular small group of people we're dealing with. It's an ideology. An ideology that even goes against everything liberal. As much as they march against religion they're open arms with Islam. Yet, just keep bringing them in! Woohoo!

Europe needs to follow the American model of citizenship and immigration (save for the past couple of decades), which is this:

Diversify! Diversify! Diversify! If you need a large immigration pool, as the US has historically and will for the foreseeable future (since our natives no longer spit out the young'uns on pace) and as Europe now does, you must diversify. Contrary to some misguided liberal slogan, this is a smart approach that acknowledges your domestic weaknesses while allowing for an immigrant pool that is highly diversified, never allowing any one group to form a strong power bloc that can counter the dominant culture.

There is nothing necessarily about Muslims (the majority of whom are like Christians, in that they don't pay attention to half the stuff their respective holy books say) that make it impossible for them to live as good citizens of a democracy. Muslim-Americans are good citizens, for the most part. The key, however, is diluting their numbers in the immigration pool so that they never get large enough or powerful enough at any given time to ghetto-size or to form a substantial power bloc. Europe's problem is not necessarily taking in Muslims; it's just that it has taken in a far too homogeneous immigration pool at one time and has not done a very good job of assimilating them in the process. Western Europe needs to find ways to make itself more appealing to Eastern Europeans, Russians, East Asians, etc., to help dilute the potential "Muslim crazy" that it immediately risks when far too many come at one time and ghetto-size right outside major cities and can't find enough jobs in the process. That's when radicalization occurs.

At the end of the day, the West has to stand for its principles, for those values that made the West the best idea and the best society in the world. Caving in as the European Far Right wishes to do, is submission, not resolve. They go too far, and they forsake the very values that made them great to begin with.
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Marine Le Pen vows fines for Muslims who wear headscarves in public as poll shows she has closed the gap with Macron ahead of French election

  • President Macron built what was a large lead ahead of last weekend's polls
  • But the latest polls suggest Le Pen has eroded the margin considerably
French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen vowed Thursday to issue fines to Muslims who wear headscarves in public, as candidates made a final push for votes three days ahead of an election seen as increasingly close.

President Emmanuel Macron built what seemed an unassailable lead ahead of the first round of polls Sunday, but Le Pen has eroded the margin and the latest polls suggest she is closing the gap.

With France's traditional right- and left-wing parties facing electoral disaster, far-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon is on course to come third, but Le Pen believes she has a real chance of going toe-to-toe with centrist Macron and winning the run-off on April 24.

Le Pen vows fines for Muslims wearing headscarves in public as she closes election gap to Macron | Daily Mail Online
Marine Le Pen vows fines for Muslims who wear headscarves in public as poll shows she has closed the gap with Macron ahead of French election

  • President Macron built what was a large lead ahead of last weekend's polls
  • But the latest polls suggest Le Pen has eroded the margin considerably
French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen vowed Thursday to issue fines to Muslims who wear headscarves in public, as candidates made a final push for votes three days ahead of an election seen as increasingly close.

President Emmanuel Macron built what seemed an unassailable lead ahead of the first round of polls Sunday, but Le Pen has eroded the margin and the latest polls suggest she is closing the gap.

With France's traditional right- and left-wing parties facing electoral disaster, far-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon is on course to come third, but Le Pen believes she has a real chance of going toe-to-toe with centrist Macron and winning the run-off on April 24.

Le Pen vows fines for Muslims wearing headscarves in public as she closes election gap to Macron | Daily Mail Online
Now she's just being ridiculous.
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Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen on track to advance to French Presidential Runoff, data shows

Paris (CNN) Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen appear to be the leading candidates in the first round of the French presidential elections, an analysis of early results shows, setting up a rematch of the 2017 contest.

Macron, France's current president, appears poised to take 28.6% of the votes, putting him in first place, according to an analysis conducted by pollster IFOP-Fiducial for French broadcasters TF1 and LCI. Le Pen, a long-time standard-bearer for the French far-right, is on track to come second with 23.6%.

Twelve candidates were running for the top job. If none of them receives more than 50% of the ballots, the top two candidates will face each other in a runoff on April 24. But a second round is all but guaranteed -- no French presidential candidate has ever won in the first round under the current system.

French election: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen on track to advance to runoff, data shows - CNN
Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen on track to advance to French Presidential Runoff, data shows

Paris (CNN) Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen appear to be the leading candidates in the first round of the French presidential elections, an analysis of early results shows, setting up a rematch of the 2017 contest.

Macron, France's current president, appears poised to take 28.6% of the votes, putting him in first place, according to an analysis conducted by pollster IFOP-Fiducial for French broadcasters TF1 and LCI. Le Pen, a long-time standard-bearer for the French far-right, is on track to come second with 23.6%.

Twelve candidates were running for the top job. If none of them receives more than 50% of the ballots, the top two candidates will face each other in a runoff on April 24. But a second round is all but guaranteed -- no French presidential candidate has ever won in the first round under the current system.

French election: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen on track to advance to runoff, data shows - CNN
Meh, screw France if Le Pen is talking about banning women wearing head coverings.

Le Pen vows fines for Muslims wearing headscarves in public as she closes election gap to Macron | Daily Mail Online

'People will be given a fine in the same way that it is illegal to not wear your seat belt. It seems to me that the police are very much able to enforce this measure,' she said.

Le Pen has said she will use referendums to try to avoid constitutional challenges to many of her proposed laws on the basis that they are discriminatory and an infringement on personal freedoms.

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