As far as recipes go, I'd recommend putting them in the Tailgate forum so they don't get buried on the main board. Freak would probably do a Recipe subforum in there if we get enough activity.
From time to time we discuss a bartering type forum, but we always end up not doing it after considering the various headaches involved.
Where is the Tailgate forum located? Can't find it.
Buying/swapping food thru the mail from people you don't know could end up same as buying from a creeper off Craigslist.
YepI am plenty calm but you must be completely oblivious if you don't know whom I speak of and you don't know what happened and this board came together to rally with a complete strangers family all because he was a part whether small or large of volnation. If you think people are complete strangers on Herr then reevaluate what you do during the week. Do you find yourself checking volnation daily? Do you follow certain people on volnation? This board is part of my life cause it is a daily event.
Maybe that is the problem? JMO but you are taking this a little too seriously. You blasted a guy for suggesting that sending food might be weird, then you told him he can leave because, as a Vol, he was not helpful in a response and therefor is not apart of the "brotherhood" of VN. Thanks for laugh. You got a logical response and you freaked out a little so thus I said "no one died we are all (mostly) Vol fans here." Yes we all know RichRollin and O+W=H was a big hit to the community but it should NOT be brought up as a defense for you because you were uncomfortable with a response someone gave you. Lastly, just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are not Vol fan. Grow some thicker skin my friend.I am plenty calm but you must be completely oblivious if you don't know whom I speak of and you don't know what happened and this board came together to rally with a complete strangers family all because he was a part whether small or large of volnation. If you think people are complete strangers on Herr then reevaluate what you do during the week. Do you find yourself checking volnation daily? Do you follow certain people on volnation? This board is part of my life cause it is a daily event.
Maybe that is the problem? JMO but you are taking this a little too seriously. You blasted a guy for suggesting that sending food might be weird, then you told him he can leave because, as a Vol, he was not helpful in a response and therefor is not apart of the "brotherhood" of VN. Thanks for laugh. You got a logical response and you freaked out a little so thus I said "no one died we are all (mostly) Vol fans here." Yes we all know RichRollin and O+W=H was a big hit to the community but it should NOT be brought up as a defense for you because you were uncomfortable with a response someone gave you. Lastly, just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are not Vol fan. Grow some thicker skin my friend.
Maybe that is the problem? JMO but you are taking this a little too seriously. You blasted a guy for suggesting that sending food might be weird, then you told him he can leave because, as a Vol, he was not helpful in a response and therefor is not apart of the "brotherhood" of VN. Thanks for laugh. You got a logical response and you freaked out a little so thus I said "no one died we are all (mostly) Vol fans here." Yes we all know RichRollin and O+W=H was a big hit to the community but it should NOT be brought up as a defense for you because you were uncomfortable with a response someone gave you. Lastly, just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are not Vol fan. Grow some thicker skin my friend.